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Marketing Day: May 15, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Social media ad spending is expected to double in the U.S. between now and 2016, according to a new forecast from BIA/Kelsey. The data are from BIA/Kelsey’s U.S. Local Media Forecast, which sees a compound annual growth rate of 21 percent in social media advertising. The forecast estimates social media ad spend at $4.8 billion […]

Pinterest became the social media’s new golden child earlier this year when marketers learned that it drives more web traffic than YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn combined. Yet despite recent studies showing that referral traffic from the channel is decreasing, it’s still a big hitter in the social space. As B2B publishers we haven’t seen the […]

The foundation of search lies in the definitions of what people want and what makes them click to find what they seek. In other words, search is the foundation of digital commerce. Yahoo’s latest drama is only the tip of the iceberg for the stressed Internet company. Since former Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz officially threw […]

A new poll from AP and CNBC on the eve of the Facebook IPO shows that Americans are ambivalent about the company and that it faces numerous challenges as it seeks to generate more revenue growth from its already massive user base. The AP-CNBC poll was conducted May 3 through May 7. The survey sample […]

We’ve known for quite some time that smartphones are heavily used by consumers while shopping. As much as 80 percent of smartphone owners use or have used their devices in stores while shopping. They’re typically used to check prices and read product reviews (top 2 use cases). Many people often look for discounts or coupons […]

How does earning $56K a day sound? That’s what former Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson just walked away with, after 124 total days (and fewer business days) on the job and a departure marred by a resume scandal. Though Thompson isn’t receiving a severance payment, he gets to keep the “make-whole” cash bonus and restricted stock […]

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