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Marketing Day: May 14, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Report: Online Video Ads To Eclipse $4 Billion In 2013 Thanks to the rise of mobile sophistication, faster Internet speeds and a more connected society online, video ad spends continue to grow at a blistering pace. According to an eMarketer report, online video ad spending will reach $4.14 billion, an increase of 41.4% from 2012′s numbers. The overall spends will continue to grow, with an […]p>

  2. Report: Asia/Pacific Only Region To Show Mobile Phone Sales Growth Last Quarter, China Wins 25.7% Of Global Sales In a new report from Gartner, the only global market to experience mobile phone sales growth during Q1 2013 was the Asia/Pacific region, demonstrating a 6.4 percent increase year-on-year. This growth rate accounted for a 53.1 percent year-on-year increase in Asia/Pacific’s share of mobile phones globally. China witnessed a 7.5 percent increase last quarter compared […]

  3. Twitter Acquires Contextual Analytics And Data Visualization Startup Lucky Sort Twitter has scooped up Lucky Sort, a two-year old start-up in Portland, Oregon, that developed TopicWatch, a contextual analytics engine designed to discover patterns in real-time data streams — including Twitter data. Lucky Sort CEO, Noah Pepper announced on the company website that it will be closing down, and he and other team members will be […]

  4. Schmidt: Google Has More Respect For “Real World” Concerns, One Reason Why Google Glass Is Limited Whereas the Google of old might just throw products “over the wall” and not think much about their real world impacts, the Google of today has much more respect for what its digital products might do in the real world, says Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt. That’s one reason why Google Glass is in a […]

  5. Infographic: The Challenge Of Email Success In A Fragmented Mobile World Soon, nearly half of all emails will be consumed on mobile devices, where the methods used to read them are widely varied. Having a responsive design for your email, as well as the time and day you send, all has a big impact on open and success rates. And, don’t forget that catchy subject line! […]

  6. Keep An Infinite Memory For Your Metrics Often, you want to look at your metrics over a longer time period than usual in order to identify long-term trends. This is especially true if your metrics are “jagged” and move around a lot. You have two choices: You could use a larger time period. If you usually watch daily metrics, switch to weekly. […]

  7. An Open Letter On “Super Firm” Failure And Composure Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real businesses, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Failure is a key part of success, or at least an important step on the road to becoming successful. When the still-young search industry witnesses a failure of any kind, it seems to revel in […]

  8. 3 Simple Techniques For More Persuasive Content Marketing What’s the biggest obstacle to effective content marketing? Surveys consistently reveal that enterprises — large and small — feel that creating enough content is the biggest problem. But, I’m not sure that quantity is the real issue here. The problem is quality. In other words, does the content that’s already getting created actually perform the […]

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