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Marketing Day: May 1, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. AOL’s New Initiatives To Put Digital Video On Par With TV In addition to 15 new original shows headlined by stars like Gwynneth Paltrow, Hank Azaria and Nicole Richie, AOL made several announcements yesterday at NewFronts that aim to put the company at the leading edge of the digital video boom — and at the head of the line to snag TV ad budgets. The questions of […]

  2. Twitter Gets Best “Privacy Score” In Useful But Flawed EFF Analysis Digital privacy is a complex issue, little understood by the public. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), as part of its ongoing mission to educate the public, has released its third annual “Who’s Got Your Back” privacy scorecard for Internet companies. Below is the 2013 scorecard. Compared with the previous two years (below), results appear to be improving […]

  3. “Get More Likes”: Facebook Promoted Page Ads Now Available Globally First introduced in the U.S. last December, Facebook has now made Promoted Page ads available globally. The ads are designed with small businesses in mind to help them garner more Likes for their pages without needing large budgets or sophisticated targeting. Page administrators can launch a Promoted Page ad directly from the Admin Panel The […]

  4. 3 Ways To Get In Your Customers’ Heads — And Stay In Their Inboxes Email overload and inbox fatigue are all too real. But, we all have an “inner circle” of emails we look forward to reading — you know, the ones we check our spam folders for when we haven’t seen them recently. How can you get your emails into that coveted inner circle and — better still […]

  5. Google Glass Isn’t A Segway, It’s Gordon Gekko’s Cell Phone Now that Google Glass devices are making it out into the real world through Glass Explorers, the debate has started. Are these things just an expensive joke? A device like a Segway that seemed cool but never took off as some expected? I’d say no, and I’ll draw from the TV series “Arrested Development” and […]

  6. Study: Mobile Users & Older Generations Are Driving Social Media Growth Around The World A new GlobalWebIndex study analyzing international social media behavior revealed that mobile use and older Internet users are driving growth for Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn. To conduct the Social Stream Q1 2013 study, GlobalWebIndex surveyed 31,779 consumers in 31 different countries, examining global social media behaviors during the first quarter of this year. […]

  7. Digg’s RSS Reader Will Beta Launch In June, Final Version Likely To Be Paid Product Digg has announced that it’s planning to release a beta version of its RSS reader in June. The company also says it’s planning to charge for the final product, though exact pricing isn’t decided at this point. The timing is good for Google Reader users that still haven’t found a replacement reader. Google has said […]

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