Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
7 steps to building your client list Apr 22, 2016 by Steve Olenski Building a client list is vital if you want your business to grow. Columnist Steve Olenski offers some tips to help you expand your reach and gain the trust of your clients.
Better in-store attribution is here Apr 22, 2016 by Mona Elesseily Closing the online-offline attribution gap is difficult, but strides have been made in recent years. Columnist Mona Elesseily discusses some of Google’s innovations in this area and how they might be expanded in the future.
Top 9 reasons Google suspends local listings Apr 22, 2016 by Joy Hawkins Has your business listing in Google been suspended? Not sure what happened? Columnist Joy Hawkins discusses the likely causes and how to address them.
A CMO’s View: MasterCard shares the 9 passion points that shape its event strategy Apr 22, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues CMO Raja Rajamannar says his brand aims to deliver unique consumer experiences through its event marketing and sponsorships.
Beyond breakthrough: 5 secrets of seek and share advertising Apr 22, 2016 by Peter Minnium How do you create ads that break through and truly grab viewers’ attention? Columnist Peter Minnium discusses the key characteristics of ads that people are excited to see and share with their friends.
Microsoft reports $21.7B in revenue for 2016 Q3; Bing search ad earnings up 18% Apr 21, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues Microsoft says search ad growth on Bing was the result of Windows 10 usage.
Mobile attribution moves deeper into the material world with Sito Mobile and Go2mobi announcements Apr 21, 2016 by Barry Levine Sito adds Cardlytics purchase data to its Real-time Walk-in tech, while Go2mobi partners with Placed for a new layer of in-store tracking.
Alphabet Q1 misses with $20.25 billion in revenues; Google revenue rose 17 percent Apr 21, 2016 by Ginny Marvin Paid clicks rose 29 percent. CPCs fell again, but Google sites CPCs rose quarter-over-quarter for the first time in two years.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
What Marketers Need to Know About Data Scientists, www.marketingprofs.com
Blogs & Blogging
A Blog is Exactly What We Wish It to Be, dannybrown.me
Business Issues
Medium Raises $50 Million in Series C; Inducts Two New Members to Board of Directors, www.martechadvisor.com
Content Marketing
Action Content: Turn Fans into Customers, www.copyblogger.com
Editorial Calendar Tips, Tools, and Templates, contentmarketinginstitute.com
Publishers: Weigh The Risks Of Platform Content Distribution, adexchanger.com
Six common reasons content marketing campaigns don’t perform, econsultancy.com
Conversion Optimization
Copywriting, Design & Usability
Consider these variables before you choose a UX research method, www.usertesting.com
Factors In Selecting A Mobile Prototyping Tool, www.smashingmagazine.com
Rightside Premium Domains: A Comparison., rightside.news
8 questions to ask when looking abroad for online growth, www.internetretailer.com
eBay and BigCommerce Open Joint Sales Platform with Bigger Reach for Your Inventory, smallbiztrends.com
Five ways online retailers can improve peak-season results, www.internetretailer.com
Shoppers browse and purchase from same device, increasingly a smartphone, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Email Marketing
3 tips to engage with customers through email, www.usertesting.com
Email Marketing: 6 steps to re-engaging subscribers and cleaning your list database, sherpablog.marketingsherpa.com
Get More From Email Signatures With Sigstr, www.convinceandconvert.com
Leveraging Email for Local Businesses, localu.org
General Internet Marketing
Customer Retention and Engagement: 5 Areas to Consider, www.silverpop.com
Earth Day Reminder: How Sustainable is your Marketing Strategy, www.martechadvisor.com
Is It Morally Okay to Ghostwrite Thought Leadership?, contently.com
OMG: You Won’t Believe What BuzzFeed Is Doing to Advertising, contently.com
Internet Marketing Industry
Flipagram Launches In-App “Ephemeral” Camera, www.businesswire.com
PulsePoint Enables Publishers to Bypass Waterfall Inefficiencies with Header Bidding; Average CPM Increases 147%, www.businesswire.com
Create B2B Marketing Automation that Leaves No Lead Behind, www.cmswire.com
Demystifying the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing and Advertising, www.emarketer.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
How to gear towards mobile commerce success, www.econsultancy.com
Most Smartphone Owners Use Location-Based Services, www.emarketer.com
Secrets For Choosing the Right Mobile Messaging Channel, blog.kissmetrics.com
What to Consider When You Price Your Mobile App, www.convinceandconvert.com
Social Media
#Hashtagfails: Homebase shows how not to jump on trending topics, www.branded3.com
5 Ways Brands Can Connect With Social Media Messaging, www.adweek.com
Facebook Rights Manager: No More Freebooting, www.jonloomer.com
Facebook usage over Tor passes 1M per month, techcrunch.com
How Instagram’s favorite beauty brand is also winning on Snapchat, digiday.com
Pinterest Tactics: How to Grow Your Pinterest Following and Your Traffic, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Snapchat lets you Face-Swap with your camera roll, drops paid replays, techcrunch.com
The Hard Truth About Social Media, www.jeffbullas.com
Twitter integrates with Yelp for location tags in the UK and Japan, bypassing Foursquare, techcrunch.com
3 Musketeens: Can a candy bar make its own YouTube stars?, digiday.com
3 powerful use cases in VR’s thrilling new frontier, venturebeat.com
4 Ways to Make Your Video Content More Measurable, blog.marketo.com
Interactive video revs up while truly native experiences lag, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Will Virtual Reality Help in the Digital Workplace?, www.cmswire.com