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Marketing Day: Marketing By Scent, LA Kings’ Twitter Lessons, 56% Skip Video Ads

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. oPhone DUO May Increase Online Sales With The Power Of Smell Have you heard of the oPhone DUO? I’ll bet you haven’t because it’s brand new! And it has very interesting implications for online marketing. The oPhone DUO is a combination of oSnap and oPhone which was unveiled at the Connected Conference in Paris this week. oSnap is an application that allows you to share smells […]

  2. McDonald’s Pranks Aspiring Actors With Fake Auditions For Zombie Musical Because it’s Cannes Lions week and because agencies are too busy sipping rosé on the Carlton Terrace in the South of France to, you know, do any actual work, our Creative of the Day space is left with… zombies. Yes, zombies. Recently, McDonald’s pranked Las Vegas by hosting a casting call for a nonexistent, zombie-themed musical. In […]

  3. Social Media Lessons From The Stanley Cup Champion Of Twitter Ask Pat Donahue Jr., the man behind the Los Angeles Kings hockey team’s famously snarky Twitter account, to pick a memorable tweet during his team’s amazing three-year run, and you might be surprised that the example lacks bite. The tweet came after the Kings were knocked out of the 2013 Western Conference finals by the […]

  4. Native Ad Disclosures Come To The Forefront, Again, In ASA Ruling Against Outbrain We’ve all seen the “Around The Web” and “You May Also Like” content recommendation lists at the bottom of articles on publisher sites such as CNN, Slate and Now a UK-based advertising watchdog has ruled that these lists do not properly disclose that the article suggestions are actually paid ads. The Advertising Standards Authority […]

  5. How To Win With Email During The World Cup (There’s Still Time!) The World Cup has begun and it finally seems like excitement in the U.S. is on par with the rest of the world. This year, a record 31.5 million Americans tuned into the most recent season of the English Premier League, and with U.S. World Cup viewership steadily on the rise (16.9 million Americans watched in […]

  6. Most Retailers Get “D” Grade On Digital Marketing Scorecard According to Wpromote, photography processing site Shutterfly does the best overall job of online marketing among 500 companies evaluated for its Online Marketing Scorecard. The scorecard is a clever lead-gen tool for Wpromote. However it also provides a snapshot of how effective these 500 marketers are in promoting themselves online. To generate the scores, Wpromote evaluated […]

  7. Content Marketing Beyond Blog Posts And Whitepapers: Get Creative! Content marketing is mainstream, with 90% of marketers using content to build their brands and achieve their business goals, according to the Content Marketing Institute. While it’s now widely understood that content marketing is a critical component of any marketing strategy, the most forward-thinking content marketers are experimenting with how they create, distribute and track […]

  8. Study: 56% Of Viewers Skip Online Video Ads & 46% Say Any Ad Over 15-Seconds Is Too Long After surveying viewer engagement with online video and video ads, data provider Adroit Digital found 56 percent of all its survey participants are likely to skip online video ads, while 46 percent said a video ad should be no more than 15 seconds in length. The study surveyed 2,000 random consumers, age 18 and older, […]

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