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Marketing Day: March 8, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Twitter Touts Its B2B Lead-Gen Capabilities (& Has A New Ad Tool In The Works To Help) Twitter’s all-out assault on potential advertisers continued today with the latest in a series of blog posts explaining the benefits of doing Twitter ads. Today’s target? The B2B community. The company is touting how tweets can have an impact on B2B tech audiences, again using statistics from its recent work with Compete. In this study, […]

  2. Marketing Biz: TripleLift, AdStage & The week in marketing was all about trends and innovation, from TripleLift’s trending image ad units to’s social enterprise app. Marketers must accept the acceleration of change. Those who jump into the water will be rewarded while those toe-dipping may be left behind. This is … Marketing Biz. With $2.1M FromTrue Ventures (And Others), […]

  3. Apple Devices Dominate In-Flight, Tablet Traffic The tablet is becoming the device of choice in the air. According to Gogo, 35 percent of in-flight Internet usage happens on tablets, 32 percent on smartphones. The remaining 33 percent is on laptops. It’s easy to see why tablets are becoming the preferred in-flight work and entertainment device. Economy travelers are often unable to open their […]

  4. Is Affiliate Marketing Hard? We’ve all read the sales pages claiming that all we affiliate marketers have to do is churn out some sort of online content each day and we’ll get rich. Plus, we can do it in our pajamas for just a few hours a day, leaving us endless free time to enjoy life. Heck, those pages […]

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