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Marketing Day: March 8, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Seemingly taking no chances, Apple didn’t just announce cool features in the new iPad. It also took at dig at Android tablets, to show how the iPad is better than they are. Called on behalf of the prosecution: Twitter. Evidence? Twitter’s iPad app is beautiful to use, while Twitter offers no similar Android app. It’s a […]

Last week we reported on Facebook Interest Lists that were reported in the wild. Today its official – Interest Lists have launched. In an effort to help users personalize, tidy up and subscribe to pertinent genres of information users can now search for and create custom targeted lists. When logged into Facebook, users will see […]

Twitter users may soon be able to do business with their favorite companies from right inside the company’s Twitter brand page. E-commerce capability is reportedly one of several “big changes” that’s coming to Twitter brand pages, according to an Ad Age article today. Ad Age cites a trio of executives who say that Twitter will […]

As you may have seen by now there were some new iOS screenshots showing maps that don’t look like they are from Google. Below are a couple of the shots in question (via 512Pixels and The Next Web). See update below regarding OpenStreetMap. There was also the discovery of code that suggested these maps were […]

You need to be where your consumers, fans and prospects are, but, with so many social platforms, it can be difficult to keep up and make sure everything works together. Ensuring the marketing, strategy, and consumer journey is consistent, fits together, and tells a story that ladders up to your objectives and goals is easier said […]

Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:

Online Marketing News From Around The Web:

Affiliate Marketing

Blogs & Blogging

Business Issues

  1. Brazil questions Google’s new privacy policy, Reuters

  2. Facebook Acquires GazeHawk For Talent,

  3. Facebook and Zynga accused of patent infringement, but turn to old Korean games for defense,

  4. Facebook Gets $8 Billion From Credit Line, 364-Day Bridge Loan, Bloomberg

  5. Great week for travel tech women — Triptrotting gets $1M from Google Ventures and others, Tnooz

  6. Hey, Google, It’s Time To Suck It Up And Buy Pinterest For $2 Billion,

  7. Music service signing major labels,

  8. Pinterest Could Be Worth $500 Million,

  9. Streaming Music Service Pandora: No Proft For a Year; Stock Tumbles,

  10. U.S. Warns Apple, Publishers on E-Book Pricing, Wall Street Journal

  11. Yahoo Loses Another High-Ranking Exec (I Know, Déjà Vu!),

Content Marketing

Conversion Optimization

Copywriting, Design & Usability

Email Marketing

General Internet Marketing

Mobile Marketing

Search Marketing

Social Media

  1. 8 Social Media Questions Publishers Should Be Asking Themselves,

  2. Assessing Pinterest for UK Marketers: Do We Really Need to Care?,

  3. How To Optimize Twitter: Be Real, Profiles, RT, Hashtags & More,

  4. How To Promote Content on StumbleUpon,

  5. KONY 2012 More Popular than iPad HD on Twitter,

  6. Path 2.1 Launches With Smarter Camera, Shazam-Like Music Match & Support for Nike+,

  7. Path will protect private user data with ‘hashing’ in next release,

  8. Seth Godin, Neil Patel, and the fallacy of appeals to marketing authority,

  9. Study: Pinterest Now Drives More Referral Traffic Than Twitter,

  10. Twitter Tool Aims to Put Americans Back to Work, Mashable

  11. Vertical Industries See Range of Engagement on Facebook,

  12. Why Big Consumer Brands Have Yet to Tap Pinterest’s Potential, Mashable

  13. Why Marketers Never Learn From Others’ Social Media Mistakes, Ad Age

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