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Marketing Day: March 7, 2014

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Eric Schmidt: Google User Data Safe From Prying Eyes, Even The U.S. Government’s While noting that Google and other U.S. companies are bound by the Patriot Act and the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court if they are subpoenaed, Google chairman Eric Schmidt said that his company has tightened its encryption and believes that its users data is safer. “We are pretty sure that now that the info inside […]

  2. Apple, Samsung Gain, Windows Phone Plateaus In US — comScore This morning comScore released its latest US smartphone report. These monthly missives have become largely static documents with little change among the various players. Indeed, the OEM and OS share charts are basically consistent the past several months. Apple gained a point and Android lost a half a percentage point. Microsoft seems to have hit […]

  3. Report: Apps Nearly 90 Percent Of Smartphone Internet Time Nielsen released a new cross platform report. Among other things it compares time spent with various media. TV remains the king of all media by time spent per day. That’s followed by traditional radio and then smartphones. The report also compares app vs. mobile web usage by time spent. While Men and women spend roughly […]

  4. 4 Steps To Scaling Enterprise Content Marketing Back in beginning of the 20th century, the automobile was an item of luxury — it took a long time to build (with workers “crafting” each one), cost well beyond the means of most consumers and was complex to drive. As most people know today, Henry Ford changed all that with the Model T and […]

  5. Why Brands Should Turn To Bloggers Instead Of Celebrity Spokespeople Pop quiz: what famous celebrity do you associate with JELL-O pudding? I’m guessing you had no problems coming up with Bill Cosby, which isn’t surprising given the fact that his spokesperson relationship with JELL-O lasted nearly thirty years. For those of us of a certain age — *ahem* – Cosby’s homey kid-friendly delivery will forever […]

  6. After The Newsjacking, Arby’s Pharrell Tweet Continues To Pay Dividends Looks like Arby’s newsjacking home run during the Grammys in January wasn’t a one-hit wonder. Social analytics firm Simply Measured released a case study this week showing how the Tweet significantly boosted engagement on the company’s Twitter account in the weeks following the Grammys. The tweet itself — Hey @Pharrell, can we have our hat […]

  7. Back To The Basics: Newest Facebook Layout Quietly Kills The Beautiful Newspaper Concept It seems like it was just one year ago today that Facebook was releasing their newest News Feed vision to the world. Oh wait, that’s right – it was exactly one year to this day that the Facebook team livestream the newest vision of News Feed. This new layout was going to change the way […]

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