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Marketing Day: March 7, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Today Google announced a new-look Google +1 button that matches the new Google+ theme. Traditionally the +1 button was a white box with a blue +1 that turned a very loud royal blue when clicked. The +1 button was launched nearly a month before the Google+ network and had looked quite different. Until now. The […]

At 10am PT today, Apple’s holding a major product event called “See & Touch,” where the “iPad HD” is largely expected to be launched. There’s no live stream, so if you want real-time coverage, you’ll need to follow one of the live blogs below. So far, here are places I’ve found with live blogging pages […]

Testing your web site? You should — and you should be testing more than the landing page. Different pages, from your own search results to checkout pages should be tested, as well as particular elements such as copy and call-to-action buttons. The folks from Monetate have put together an infographic listing things you should consider […]

Yesterday comScore released its monthly report on mobile market share among device makers and operating systems. There were no revelations or startling facts. Android and iOS continue their gains, while others lag or are in decline. The trend is especially worrisome for Microsoft’s fledgling Windows Phone. Mobile internet just under half PC internet population The […]

In November 2009, author Rick Moody published the entirety of a short story tweeted out in 153 hourly posts. He didn’t simply take a story and break it up into tweet-sized chunks, but specifically wrote it on Twitter. Moody said that he saw Twitter’s character limits as “some strange, poetical limitation that would be fun […]

Marketing is often about numbers. You want to increase revenue, improve growth, decrease the unsatisfied customers and so on. Email marketing especially relies on numbers. Click-through rates, open rates, bounces and more are piled on to the list of metrics to watch. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all of these stats, so you need to […]

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