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Marketing Day: March 6, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Search Marketing Now will host a webcast next Wednesday, March 14 at 1 PMEST. “Effective B2B Link Building” will feature Debra Mastaler of Alliance-Link and Scott Fasser of Optify, who will discuss the various ways that B2B marketers can create an effective link-building strategy. The webcast, which is free, will include a live Q+A session […]

Android Market is dead. Long live Google Play! Today, Google announced that it is changing the name of its Android Market to Google Play, a move it hopes better reflects that the marketplace now offers more than apps, with content like books, video and music available even to those who aren’t using Android. “This is […]

While Facebook’s growth is slowing, a new report from eMarketer confirmed that Twitter isn’t done with their growth spurt. The popular 140-character social network saw a 20.7% growth rate, compared to a 6.6% growth rate of Facebook. With more than 132.5 million US users (and 800+ million worldwide), the declining growth rate of Facebook is […]

Marketers’ direct messaging options have proliferated, expanding from traditional mail and telemarketing efforts to now include a myriad of digital channels such as email, social media, SMS, and mobile applications. Expectations for relevant messages across multiple channels are higher than ever. How do you cope? With data and planning. Why cross-inform? First of all, consumers […]

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