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Marketing Day: March 4, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Yelp Starts Selling Display Ads In Its Mobile App Yelp is now selling display ads in its mobile apps, with two advertisers — Taco Bell and InterContinental Hotels Groups (IHG) as the first two advertisers to give it a try. According to Ad Age, those two companies will have exclusivity for the month of March in their respective categories — Taco Bell for restaurant-related […]

  2. Content Marketing Beyond “Create It Yourself” One of the biggest buzz-phrases of the past year or so has undoubtedly been Content Marketing. It’s the perfect piece of jargon: it’s rather vague, could have lots of meanings and is very hard to pin down. It’s also, as an idea, really not that new at all — after all, soap operas were so […]

  3. SMX West Starts Next Monday in San Jose; Register by March 10 and Save The clock is ticking! Search Marketing Expo – SMX West begins next Monday in San Jose, CA. Register now to reserve your spot! The search and social marketing landscape changes daily. At SMX West you’ll learn: how to take advantage of Google’s new Enhanced AdWords; the potential of Facebook Graph Search; and steps to take […]

  4. Microsoft Dropping “Scroogled” Ads That Attack Google Negative political ads work; that’s why we continue to see them. But negative search engine ads? Apparently, not so much. Microsoft is reportedly ending its “Scroogled” campaign, which was launched in November to attack Google’s all-paid-inclusion shopping search results. Earlier this year, the Scroogled campaign expanded to take on Gmail privacy. The theme of the […]

  5. Display Ads: How Direct Buys & RTB Interact One of the most common questions that marketers face in buying display advertising is whether to contact a publisher or ad network directly to purchase inventory (called a Direct Buy), or through indirect channels using real-time bidding (RTB) systems. To those with experience in the RTB realm, it’s well understood by now that there is […]

  6. Hitwise: Google Has Top Mobile Website And 5 Of The Top 10 Experian Marketing Services (Hitwise) announced Hitwise Mobile today, a new service that offers traffic and related data about mobile user behavior in 170 categories and for 4 million mobile sites on a global basis. For the week ending February 23, Google had the top mobile site overall in the US. It also had four more in the top 10: Gmail, […]

  7. Marketing Biz: IAB Rising Stars, In-Game Advertising & Rabbit The week in marketing was a lot like gazing into a crystal ball as we were reminded about new advertising units and platforms. This is … Marketing Biz. Few Marketers Aware of IAB’s Rising Stars Units There’s a big gap in awareness of the IAB’s Rising Stars units between marketers and agencies, finds Undertone [download […]

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