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Marketing Day: March 27, 2014

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

The UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has cleared a radio ad attacking Google’s privacy practices against complaints that it amounted to false advertising. In the decision announced yesterday, the ASA rejected two complaints about an ad promoting Microsoft’s Outlook email that said it — unlike Google’s Gmail service — doesn’t scan the contents of emails […]

After posting an overview yesterday of the Pew Research Center’s State of News Media report, we wanted to dig a little deeper into the study’s research on social media news consumption. According to the Pew report, three in ten Facebook users get news from the social media site. Even with the relatively high number of […]

IT consulting firm Gartner projected today that overall device shipments (not sales) would increase this year by nearly 7 percent vs. 2013. Sale of traditional PCs still represent a drag on the industry, although tablet substitution for PCs is supposed to slow. Recognizing the importance of addressing all platforms now Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella announced […]

The comedic actor and star from ABC’s Modern Family, Eric Stonestreet teamed up with NFL star Richard Sherman for a creative bit which premiered at the 2014 #AdobeSummit yesterday at the end of day ‘sneaks’ session. Eric Stonestreet was special guest and wildly funny co-emcee as Adobe engineers made their best pitches for new possible products […]

Despite being a recommended mobile “best practice,” only 9 percent of the top 100 e-retail sites are using responsive design. That’s according to the latest edition of The Search Agency’s Mobile Experience Scorecard. Previously, the agency evaluated and ranked the mobile sites of the Fortune 100 and top 100 traditional retailers. In this ranking exercise, […]

The days of Retweeting may be numbered. Twitter has been testing more mainstream verbiage by replacing “Retweet” with “Share.” Twitter has been quite active in tweaking the user interface as of late. Last week, “views” were spotted and yesterday, we saw the introduction of tagging without adding a Twitter handle in the Tweet. Eli Langer of CNBC […]

How many of your daily tasks would be nearly impossible (or at least more difficult) without mobile devices, e-mail and the internet? It’s tough to imagine accomplishing even the simplest of tasks, especially when it comes to buying and selling goods. Mobile has revolutionized commerce, including the way consumers engage, research and ultimately purchase products. […]

Super early bird pricing for Search Engine Land’s SMX Advanced expires end-of-day Friday, March 28. Register now for the lowest possible rate. SMX Advanced is the only conference designed exclusively for experienced paid search advertisers and SEOs. You’ll participate in cutting-edge sessions and network with fellow internet marketing thought leaders. Check out the agenda. Don’t […]

Today’s keynote session at the Adobe Digital Marketing Summit brought Super Bowl champion cornerback Richard Sherman (@RSherman_25) to Salt Lake City, Utah to speak to a crowd of about 7,000 digital marketing executives. What can an NFL star teach a huge room of marketing professionals? If you’re scratching your head on that one, you might […]

Imagine Ellen trying to tag everyone in her Oscar selfie and still having room enough to insert a joke about Bradley Cooper’s arm length. It wouldn’t happen. Until now, the only way to notify a user that they’ve been included in a photo is to make sure that their Twitter handle is included in the […]

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