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Marketing Day: March 27, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Email and social media are pretty similar when it comes to what drives consumers to connect — or disconnect — with brands. A new study from email provider Constant Contact and Chadwick Martin Bailey shows that the chance to get discounts and special offers is the primary reason that consumers “like” a Facebook page and […]

Not only are an average of 31% of display ads never even seen, but there’s little to no correlation between the CPMs sites are charging and the value they’re delivering to the advertisers — where value is defined as ads being viewed and delivered to the primary demographic target. That’s the conclusion of the full […]

Reports are swirling today that Google will be announcing a commenting platform to rival Facebook comments. The commenting system is said to tie into the Google+ platform and operate as a stand-alone system to help websites gain a better breed of comments. Facebook comments launched a bit over a year ago, and has had moderate […]

Google has for a long time been looking for ways to connect the dots between online ads and offline transactions, where most conversions take place, to provide marketers with a more complete picture of ad performance. Click to Call is one example off this effort. Google Wallet is another. However the data Google collects through […]

The wolves are attacking Google again over its search quality. Last year, they were fed the Panda Update to fend them off. This year, Google may throw an Over Optimization Penalty to the pack. No, that doesn’t mean SEO is dead once again. But it may sadly confuse SEO with spam. It also doesn’t mean the penalty will improve […]

As more and more marketing takes place on Facebook, it’s important to master measuring results on the platform, and one of the most important tools for doing so is on the site itself and available for export — Facebook Insights. Facebook Insights is a useful analytics tool that can help social media marketers create better […]

Those TV ads that Google has been running lately are costing the company a pretty penny … well, millions of pretty pennies, to be more accurate. According to a Wall Street Journal article, which cites data from Kantar Media, Google spent some $70 million dollars on TV ads last year in the U.S. alone. That […]

It’s not your imagination. Google’s navigation bar has gained a new “Play” option that, for the first time, has Google promoting its own content offerings: books, music, video and Android applications from recently rebranded Google Play site. You can see the link below, and the home page has also gained a promotional link about Google […]

This will likely come as no surprise to anyone: Yahoo has announced that it will shut down Yahoo Meme on May 25th. Not familiar with Yahoo Meme? That was probably the main problem: Not enough familiarity and adoption. Yahoo Meme launched in 2009, but only in a Portuguese-language version. An English-language version followed later that […]

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