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Marketing Day: March 26, 2014

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Mobile First: Facebook Claims 1 Billion Active Mobile Users, 200 Million On Instagram In answering questions about Facebook’s $2 billion acquisition of Oculus, CEO Mark Zuckerberg shared a couple of new user stats that show the company’s mobile-first strategy is paying off. Zuckerberg told analysts on a conference call yesterday that Facebook now has 1 billion active monthly mobile users. That’s up from 945 million in December. Facebook’s […]

  2. Study: Expert Content 83% More Effective Lifting Purchase Considerations Than User Reviews A recent content marketing study conducted by Nielsen revealed consumers are more likely to be influenced by third-party expert content over branded content and user reviews when making buying decisions. According to Nielsen’s “The Role of Content” study, expert content — product reviews and articles from third-party websites and blogs — was 83 percent more […]

  3. Infographic: Winning Local Through Search Engines, Yellow Pages, Maps & Reviews Virtually all consumers turn to the internet to find local products and services. Are you positioned to win them, as a local business? There are four key steps to consider: search engines, internet yellow pages, map services and reviews. The folks from Kenshoo Local have put together an infographic with these four key areas, along with […]

  4. Google Rolls Out Analytics Reporting For YouTube TrueView Ads Google is beefing up the reporting for TrueView video ads in Google Analytics. Advertisers manage YouTube TrueView ads through AdWords for Video. Rolling out over the next few days, the new Video Campaigns report will be found under the AdWords section in the Acquisition menu in Analytics. The report includes TrueView-specific metrics like Paid Views, […]

  5. Key Data From Pew’s “State Of News Media” Report The Pew Research Center’s Journalism Project has released its 11th State of the News Media report. A comprehensive “document,” it covers TV, newspapers, magazines, radio and digital. I won’t try to summarize the full sweep of this “best of times, worst of times” report. However, below I’ve excerpted a few key findings and charts that provide […]

  6. Toppling Yahoo, Google Back On Top Of comScore Top 50 After several months that saw Yahoo atop comScore’s top 50 US desktop rankings, Google has reclaimed the number one position. That’s according to comScore’s February’s traffic/reach rankings. Yahoo and Microsoft are two and three, respectively; Facebook is number four. If Tumblr traffic were included in Yahoo’s total, however, the site would still have the greatest US desktop […]

  7. “Real Time” in Display Advertising Doesn’t Really Mean Real Time A lot of nonsense is spoken today regarding “real-time marketing” and “real-time bidding,” yet most of what is actually being bought isn’t really “real time” at all, and marketers need to know why that’s a problem. With the rise of the media exchanges came the separation of the media (the “where” to target) from the […]

  8. Instagram Surpasses 200 Million Users & 20 Billion Photos It appears that Instagram and their hefty one billion dollar price tag was one of the most valuable Facebook acquisitions over the past two years. The photo sharing network has officially topped 200 million users who have posted 20 billion photos to date. While Facebook has taken some slack recently for their perception in the […]

  9. Google’s Got Glass, Facebook Has Oculus, How Might AOL and Yahoo Respond? In the wake of the $2 billion Oculus acquisition announcement by Facebook people on Twitter are expressing their opinions of the deal and speculating about potential copycat acquisitions by Yahoo and AOL. BREAKING: Yahoo buys ViewMaster — Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) March 25, 2014 AOL is embracing 3D Virtual Reality too, it seems! — Scott […]

  10. Instagram Experiment Dumps Foursquare for Location Tagging & Ties In Facebook Places Instead It’s now been nearly two years since Facebook purchased Instagram for a mere one billion dollars. Before the initial purchase (and in today’s current iteration of the app) users input their location of an Instagram photo by tagging the location from information pulled in by Foursquare. According to Fast Company, Facebook is now testing the […]

  11. Facebook Buys Virtual Reality “Platform Of Tomorrow” Oculus For $2 Billion In Cash And Stock Facebook has just acquired “the platform of tomorrow.” The company announced this afternoon that it was acquiring Oculus — the company behind the Oculus Rift virtual reality (VR) gaming headset and platform — for $2 billion in cash and stock: Facebook today announced that it has reached a definitive agreement to acquire Oculus VR, Inc., the […]

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