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Marketing Day: March 21, 2014

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Watching Video Through A Reddit Filter Just Got Better If you like watching random videos on the Internet but want them a bit less random, you can tune into Launched in 2009, pulls video posted on the link-sharing network into a dashboard, allowing viewers to “easily flip through the hottest videos of the day and see what’s going on in your favorite […]

  2. Tumblr Partnership With Viacom Opens Door To MTV, Nickelodeon & Comedy Central After announcing Tumblr sponsored posts earlier this year, the Yahoo-owned blogging platform has joined the growing list of social media sites making advertising deals with television programming networks. According to a report on yesterday, Tumblr has entered into a marketing partnership with television programming company Viacom. From the article: Viacom — the parent […]

  3. 5 Ways To Ease The Facebook Page Organic Reach Blues It’s hard out there for a Facebook marketer. Anyone who manages a Facebook Page feels it. It might be anecdotal, but the anecdotes are piling up and the conclusion is undeniable: Organic reach is down and fewer people who have liked your page are seeing your posts. The ominous headlines hit almost daily, including two […]

  4. 3 Insightful Ways To Visualize Your Keyword Data Over the past year, I have come across more and more fancy-looking graphs and charts in the online marketing space. This is most likely because strategists, analysts and executives are getting more savvy in general, but also because there are more and more easy-to-use analytics packages out on the market. Although this is great, this […]

  5. Will In-Store Bluetooth Beacons Marginalize QR Codes? Though many fans of QR codes will strongly disagree, I would argue that they haven’t found their “sweet spot” in mobile marketing and must do so relatively soon or be marginalized. Similarly, SMS was once a much touted opportunity for marketers but has since failed to gain widespread marketing adoption. Despite some statistics showing that as […]

  6. In-Image Advertising Primer From IAB Highlights 5 Powerful Case Studies As the web moves to a more visual landscape, it’s not surprising that advertisers are becoming more attracted to in-image advertising, and publishers are recognizing the untapped source of revenue their editorial images now hold. As it recently did with native advertising, the IAB has issued a primer on in-image advertising to help establish common […]

  7. Survey: Nearly Half Of Americans Interested In Wearable Tech While Google Glass has not broken into the mainstream, smartwatches and fitness wristbands may be on the cusp of doing so. The CEO of Pebble (smartwatch) told Fortune that it had sold 400,00 watches in 2013 and the company’s investors expect revenues to double this year. According to survey data (November 2013) from Nielsen, 70 […]

  8. 10 Ways To Squeeze More From Your Interactive Marketing Budget As marketers, we’re always striving to get the most from our budget without compromising the brand or the customer’s experience — not an easy feat. It benefits us to remember how much money can be saved by making subtle changes to marketing strategy and program execution. Here are ten ideas across all segments of your […]

  9. Google Tries To Clear The Air By Dispelling 10 Google Glass Myths Google has a gargantuan task on its hands where Google Glass is concerned. Its head-mounted wearable computer is due for consumer launch later this year, but most Americans don’t even recognize Glass, and many of those who do recognize it don’t understand how it works. Tension has been growing in recent months. Some Explorers — […]

  10. Twitter Makes Video Watching Easier With One-Click Inline Viewing Continuing its multimedia push, Twitter is rolling out a feature to make watching videos on the platform much easier. As reported today by the New York Times, the social media network is using Twitter Cards to give video a more prominent display in users’ timelines. Instead of showing up as a link, that requires several […]

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