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Marketing Day: March 21, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Is Android Vs. Chrome A Metaphor For Apps Vs. Mobile Web? Google’s early fantasy about mobile was that apps would eventually lose favor in favor of HTML5 and the browser. This is consistent with Google’s outlook and competitive history vs. Microsoft and Apple: the Internet and the cloud vs. proprietary operating systems and software. Yet, to date, apps have largely won out over the mobile Web. […]

  2. Study: Correlation Between Tweets And TV Ratings A huge percentage of TV watchers (as much as 80 percent) are now on a “second screen” during a program, though they may not necessarily be engaged in a “social conversation” about the show they are watching. They may be shopping, writing emails or reading news, instead. However, a new study from SocialGuide (and Nielsen) found […]

  3. Quora Rolls Out Full-Text Search: Good For Blog Ideas & Reputation Management There’s no getting around it: the search experience on Quora was never all that great. As you typed a search, Quora would show results if your text was found in a question, in a topic name, or a user’s name. And rather than get a page of matching search results, you’d have to click on […]

  4. Chartbeat Demonstrates Below-the-Fold Ad Placement Is More Valuable Than Originally Assumed Chartbeat, a provider of web-analytics software, is on a mission to convince publishers that below-the-fold ad opportunities may be more valuable than top of page ad placements. Using a cross-section of data from publishers in their network, Chartbeat found that web visitors are only engaged for a few seconds at the top of the page, […]

  5. A 15-Second Peek Into Twitter’s Future With Video “Instant Replays” This week, Twitter introduced video “instant replay” for March Madness. By following the NCAA’s @marchmadness account you can catch highlights from all of the college basketball games within a few minutes of them being broadcast. This is, of course, great for fans who can’t watch or miss games featuring their favorite teams. However, it’s much […]

  6. Native Video Ads Drive Higher Brand-Lift Metrics When Compared To Pre-Roll Videos Nielsen, a global information and measurement company, collaborated with Sharethrough, a native advertising company, on a performance study comparing the brand-building effectiveness of native video ads against pre-roll video ad units. The study found native video ads, user-initiated content-based videos contextually integrated into a site’s natural experience, to be more effective at driving brand lift […]

  7. Follow The Roadmap To App Success Dorothy isn’t the only one who had to follow the Yellow Brick road to find her way home; we all need to follow a path to find our way to success, and the app market is no different. The app market for both iOS and Android is beginning to become overcrowded. Apple first opened its […]

  8. Pinterest Buys Local Recommendations App Livestar For Talent Pinterest has confirmed its purchase of Livestar, a mobile/local recommendations app — but the purchase is about the team of engineers more than the service itself. In an email, a Pinterest spokesperson tells us: We think the Livestar team is a natural fit for Pinterest because of their commitment to inspiring people to do things […]

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