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Marketing Day: March 20, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Search Marketing Now will host a webcast this Thursday, March 22 at 1 PM EDT. “AdCenter Best Practices for Agencies” will feature Allan Chuate, Regional Manager Search Strategy, Yahoo!, who will discuss the essentials of improving the efficiency of your clients’ ppc campaigns in AdCenter. He’ll share tips and tricks for AdCenter best practices. The […]

Twitter’s advertisers have new targeting capabilities that will let them advertise directly and only to mobile users … or just to desktop users, if they prefer. The company has just announced an expansion of its mobile Promoted Tweets ad product, and it includes mobile-specific targeting. “…brands can target their campaigns specifically to desktop computers and […]

Everyone knows the question: “What one [book|person|food|movie|etc] would you take with you to a deserted island?” That is to say, what one thing can’t you live without? Most of us have a pretty narrow list. Perhaps it’s a book you’ve read over and over again. Or your favorite cousin — the one you would like […]

Google Analytics has announced new social reports today, designed to help marketers measure the return on investment for social media activities. “Many social measurement tools focus on social listening by monitoring keywords and buzz. While they’re helpful in many cases, these tools don’t connect the dots to show how investments in different social channels ultimately lead […]

I wouldn’t want to be a lawyer in Google’s legal department. Every move Google makes these days is scrutinized by governments, regulators and NGOs. Almost weekly there are new lawsuits and new investigations. According to a Bloomberg report, last week France’s data protection authority asked Google to answer 69 questions concerning Google’s new privacy policy […]

You’d think at this stage of the search marketing game, best practices for Search Engine Optimization would be foregone conclusions and everyone would be on board regarding the importance of executing on search initiatives. Well, unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Mom always told me if you can’t be good at something; don’t bother doing […]

There were questions over the weekend about how well iPad sales were going. For example, on Friday gadget blog BGR asked iPad launch day: Where are all the sell-outs? On a conference call this morning about Apple’s just-announced stock dividend, Apple CEO Tim Cook said, “We had a record weekend and we’re thrilled with it.” […]

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