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Marketing Day: March 19, 2014

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Collective And ZenithOptimedia Tout Success Of Online TV Analytics Platform Collective, an advertising technology company, announced this week that its partnership with advertising agency ZenithOptimedia shows how marketers can connect more effectively to their target television audience. ZenithOptimedia is using Collective’s TV Analytics platform to align online behavior of customers and potential customers with TV preferences. That data is then used to help determine what […]

  2. Mobile Will Be Primary Channel For Paid Search By End Of 2015 [Study] Looking at current trends, Marin Software predicts more paid search clicks will come from mobile devices than desktops by the end of next year. By December of 2013, mobile accounted for more than a third of all paid search clicks on Google. By the end of 2015, mobile devices will drive 50 percent of Google’s […]

  3. Confirms It’s Been Hit By Google Penalty MyBlogGuest, a well-known service that helps pair writers and blogs for guest blogging, confirmed this morning that it’s been hit by a Google penalty. Google has been aggressively going after companies that it believes are violating its SEO guidelines in recent months, particularly link networks. This is first penalty that we know of against what […]

  4. Judge Denies Class Action Status To Gmail “Wiretapping” Suit, Effectively Killing It Google received a major win yesterday in the potentially massive Gmail “wiretapping” litigation. Class action status was denied to the litigation by US District Judge Lucy Koh. Had the case been permitted to go forward as a unified class action, as Bloomberg points out, “the amount at stake could have reached into the trillions of dollars if, […]

  5. Facebook Sharing Bug Generates Faulty 404 Errors It’s a minor, but annoying bug. Sporadically, when someone tries to share a Marketing Land or Search Engine Land post on Facebook, the social network displays a 404 error. It’s not an actual 404 error, mind you. If you click the link, you are taken to a live page with all the great content you’d […]

  6. IgnitionOne Acquires Knotice To Build Out Its Digital Marketing Platform Cloud-based digital marketing technology provider IgnitionOne announced today it has acquired the privately-owned digital marketing platform Knotice. According to the announcement Knotice’s technology will be “seamlessly” integrated into the IgnitionOne’s Digital Marketing Suite, adding data consolidation and fidelity solutions, an email CRM, as well as mobile and cross-device capabilities. “Today we see other large players […]

  7. Prime Price Hike Hurts Amazon Brand Engagement Amazon is the Brand Keys Customer Loyalty Engagement leader for online retail. However last week, the brand measurement firm reported that the company’s $20 price hike on its most loyal customers (Prime members) caused the Amazon brand to suffer a loss of engagement. Amazon raised the cost of its innovative free shipping and loyalty program from […]

  8. The Key To Growth Hacking: Never Stop Testing I’m often asked by business owners about online marketing best practices. They want to know what will help them gain an advantage over their competition or simply drive more leads and more sales. They often want to look better than their competitors, rank higher in search engines and pay less for advertising. The answer I […]

  9. Do Publishers Have A Clear View Of Viewability? We recently surveyed comScore’s top 250 publishers to get a sense of their attitudes and readiness regarding viewability. The survey, which came on the heels of our “Viewable Vendor Report,” documented (among other things) the high level of importance agencies, brands and many of you assign to the viewability metric. It was startling, to say […]

  10. In Lead Gen, Sometimes Broader is Better Today’s marketers are laser-focused on targeting. It makes sense — the idea of picking out who is most likely to buy your product is the ideal situation. In the all-you-can-eat data buffet, reaching our audience and only our audience is relatively easy, and it has become the definition of efficiency. Unfortunately, in lead generation, targeting […]

  11. Facebook: Opportunity For Earned Media Still As Rich As A Year Ago Facebook keeps coming under fire that it’s harder for brands to get the free exposure — “earned media” — that they once got. But Facebook says it’s not so — it more a matter of adjusting how you measure your earned success. “The opportunity for earned media is still as rich as it was a […]

  12. The Real Value In Ellen Selfie? Samsung’s CMO: Helping Make Moment Of “Joy” Samsung got huge attention when Ellen DeGeneres did her now famous Twitter-breaking all-star selfie at the Oscars. But Samsung USA’s chief marketing officer says what’s more important wasn’t that the Samsung phone was used but that Samsung helped create a moment of real joy. “The exact phone almost doesn’t matter,” said Samsung USA CMO Todd Pendleton […]

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