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Marketing Day: March 19, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Facebook. Twitter. Google+. Pinterest. Foursquare. LinkedIn. Path. How many of these social networks do you belong to? Do you participate in every day? Every week? Every month? When a new one comes along does your heart leap in anticipation, or sink a little when you realize it’s one more thing to add to your already […]

If I were a Facebook advertiser, I’d probably still be holding meetings and sending emails about how to strategize around Facebook’s marketing conference late last month. Rightfully so. There’s a lot to digest. What’s interesting here isn’t so much what was announced, which was better mobile experience for advertisers, bigger ads and better targeting. What’s […]

The long-awaited day of the Apple dividend is here. As Apple’s cash reserves have grown over the past few years — they now stand at a whopping $100 billion — financial analysts and investors have repeatedly and passionately asked: “Where’s the dividend?” While Steve Jobs seemed to be opposed to a dividend, wanting to hoard […]

Facebook continues to beef up page analytics (or Facebook Insights) with the addition of mobile reporting for apps. Earlier this month, Facebook upped Insights reporting to occur in real-time and new in-depth mobile reporting will continue to grow the service. For full mobile data click on the “Mobile” link under the Traffic tab: Not only […]

Two contrary forces were at work this week with many companies living in the past while others sought to claim the future. Experian Hitwise Launches AudienceView Using AudienceView, retailers can track and trend the online behavior of existing and potential consumers to better optimize online media planning and target their messages to reach and retain […]

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