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Marketing Day: March 16, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

We recently launched our Marketing Land and Search Engine Land accounts on Tumblr. It’s been quietly in the process for less than a month, familiarizing ourselves with the platform in terms of how to post, what to post, who to follow, and ultimately, defining why we should be there in the first place. If you’ve been […]

Our sister site, Search Marketing Now, has been hard at work compiling an intensive breakdown of the top enterprise social media management software. The result is an in-depth 54-page whitepaper available for free download. The whitepaper is geared towards those decision makers or social managers who are in need of an enterprise solution and need critical information on […]

According to the Wall Street Journal, US and European regulators are now formally investigating the facts and circumstances behind “Cookiegate,” the circumvention of default privacy settings on the iPhone’s Safari browser by Google. When the practice was discovered or revealed in an article in the Wall Street Journal earlier this year it was discontinued by […]

Earlier this week I moderated a panel at the SXSW conference entitled: “Social Commerce: Not Yet Taking Off Like Farmville.” The session explored the nature of “social commerce” and why companies were having trouble selling on Facebook, among other things. One of the basic ideas expressed was that people aren’t looking to “shop” on Facebook; […]

One of the biggest benefits of the affiliate marketing channel is that it is all performance-based. This is very attractive because there is very little risk — payout costs are directly correlated to results. But just because it isn’t risky doesn’t mean it is easy money. As at the gym, you get out of it […]

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