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Marketing Day: March 14, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Digg: We’re Building A Google Reader Replacement Want a good replacement for Google Reader? Perhaps it’s appropriate that another brand from the Reader heyday, Digg, is planning to build that. From Digg’s blog post today: We’ve heard people say that RSS is a thing of the past, and perhaps in its current incarnation it is, but as daily (hourly) users of Google […]

  2. Google Breaks Up Mapping And Commerce Unit, Sends Jeff Huber To Google X Google has decided to break up the unit that formerly combined mapping and commerce in a mini-reorganization coinciding with the transfer of Android to the leadership of Chrome SVP Sundar Pichai. Jeff Huber who formerly ran the combined commerce + local group is now becoming part of Sergey Brin’s “Google X” team. According to the […]

  3. Don’t Kill Google Reader Petition On Pace For 75k Signatures In Under 24 Hours A revolt is afoot. Since Google’s announcement to close the popular Google Reader service 17 hours ago, loyal users have taken to a petition in droves. Since being constructed by Dan Lewis 1 hour after the announcement, the petition has reached 76% of its goal toward 75,000 signatures: The petition is averaging 3,570 signatures […]

  4. Generation M: 50 Percent Of Smartphone Teens Go “Mostly Mobile” For Internet New “teens and technology” survey data from Pew give us a glimpse of the Internet’s future — it’s “mostly mobile.” According to the Q3 2012 survey, 23 percent of teens have tablets (vs. 25 percent of adults) and 47 percent of teen cell phone owners have smartphones. This compares with approximately 55 percent of mobile phone owning […]

  5. How Google’s Enhanced Campaigns Affect Your Ad Scheduling Strategy Before getting into ad scheduling strategies for Google’s Enhanced Campaigns, let’s review Paid Search Trends for March. CPCs remained relatively flat month-over-month with little movement. Retail CPCs showed a slight decline for Google, showing relative softness compared to last year. It remains to be seen whether this is a temporary dip or a long-term indicator. […]

  6. 12 Google Reader Alternatives The scramble is on. With news today that Google Reader is shutting down on July 1st, its users are on the hunt for a solid RSS reader alternatives. Here are some options you might want to consider if you’re a Google Reader user: 1.) Newsblur – This is a top choice from one of our corresponding […]

  7. Google To Close Google Reader On July 1 Google Reader user? Say goodbye. Google has announced the service is closing on July 1. The news came today in a “Spring Cleaning” blog post from Google, where the company said: We launched Google Reader in 2005 in an effort to make it easy for people to discover and keep tabs on their favorite websites. While the […]

  8. Facebook Loses Motion, Faces Likely Trial Over Timelines Trademark Recall that there was a small photo-centric site out of Chicago run by former ShopLocal executives. That site called/calls itself Timelines (plural). It obtained federal trademark registration for its name. Then, Facebook came along and used that term for its, well, Timeline. Timelines has a number of other photo-oriented sites and apps such as Photogram. […]

  9. Facebook Redesigns Timeline: Streamlined Look, More Prominent Apps, Developer Tools & Rules The “Pinterestization” of Facebook continues. The company today introduced changes to Timeline that allow users to more easily and prominently display collections of things they like (via apps). This was part of the introduction of an overall Timeline redesign. Images in posts are larger and are seen on the right (a mirror of some of the recent News […]

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