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Marketing Day: March 13, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Yesterday Nielsen wrote a blog post that looked at apps and mobile web usage in the retail segment. The post carried the headline, “Retailer Mobile Websites Beat Apps among US Smartphone Owners.” Several media outlets picked up on the headline and the finding, which was reported as follows: “Nielsen’s detailed analysis of smartphone usage reveals […]

As much as some would like to move past it, there’s no denying that one particular metric still rules the world of online marketing — the click-through. Sure, you’re eventually trying to get to the conversion, the ROI, the high-margin purchase. But it all still starts with the click. Because clicks are so central to […]

Vendor/Self-Appointed Industry Expert: So, what’s your Pinterest strategy? Me: I don’t have one yet. Vendor/Self-Appointed Industry Expert: Really?!? Are you crazy? You are missing out! All your customers are there! Our agency/technology/approach will make you tons and you can really capitalize on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.” Me: Sigh. Please go away. Be honest. Most of you […]

As is being widely reported, Yahoo filed a patent lawsuit against Facebook today in US Federal Court in the Northern District of California. At the center of the litigation are a wide range of claims that cover advertising, the news feed, messaging, social networking and privacy, among others. Here’s a key paragraph from the complaint: […]

The hits keep on coming for social image sharing website Pinterest and, yes, I actually mean that in the analytics/visits/pageviews sense of the word “hits.” The folks at Experian Hitwise say that Pinterest is now one of the top 30 US websites based on total pageviews. In the course of two tweets this afternoon, Hitwise […]

Twitter and Posterous have both announced that the former has acquired the latter. Here’s the wording from from Twitter’s blog post: Today we are welcoming a very talented group from Posterous to Twitter. This team has built an innovative product that makes sharing across the web and mobile devices simple — a goal we share. […]

Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:

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Social Media

  1. 4 Tips for Creating Your LinkedIn Company Page,

  2. 8M Facebook Pages switch to Timeline in first week, VentureBeat

  3. A Guide to Various Pinterest Scams, And How to Avoid Them, Read/Write Web

  4. An overview of the social media ecosystem,

  5. European Commission Blames Social Networks For ACTA Failure; Worried About Its Imminent Directive On Copyright Enforcement, TechDirt

  6. foursquare on Facebook is now prettier! Check out the new look for foursquare check-ins, badges, and mayorships!,

  7. Google Docs in Google+ Hangouts, Google

  8. Manta Rolls Out SMB Social Connection and Recommendation Tools,

  9. Meet Ben Silbermann, The Brilliant Young Co-Founder Of Pinterest,

  10. Pinterest CEO Ben Silbermann Shows Off New Profile, New Social Tools, Addresses Controversy,

  11. Twitter’s Ecosystem Passes 1.5 Million Apps,

  12. TwooglePlus Automatically Cross Posts your Tweets to Google+,

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