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Marketing Day: March 12, 2014

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Buffer Adds Content Suggestions To Web Dashboard & Emails Calling it “a work in progress,” Buffer has started showing content suggestions for users in both the web-based dashboard and in emails. The new feature adds a set of suggested social updates that can be posted to Twitter, Facebook or whatever social accounts you’ve connected to Buffer. The rollout has been slowly expanding over the […]

  2. Google Calls It Quits On Brand Banner Ad Test In Search Results Google has ended last fall’s test involving large brand banner ads on Amit Singhal, Google’s head of search, confirmed the experiment was over in his keynote at SMX West in San Jose, California yesterday. Google started the test in October 2013 with roughly 30 brands. The banners ads appeared at the top of brand […]

  3. How Email Marketers Can Make Birthdays Come More Than Once A Year As you evaluate your 2013 email programs and work on your 2014 initiatives, be sure to take a hard look at how much of your revenue from email is attributed to triggered programs, as compared with promotional emails. From my experience, 20% is a good, general target for the amount of overall revenue that should […]

  4. 5 Tips For Getting More From Your Data You Already Have Sixteen Million. That’s the number of Google results for the term “Big Data.” And when you look at the historic interest in Google trends, the story is pretty clear – Big Data is here to stay. But do you really need more data than you already have? I doubt it. Chasing The Big Data Rainbow? […]

  5. What You Should Be Tallying On Your Social Media Scorecard Ah, the simplicity of American baseball: three strikes is an out, and a team’s chance at the bat is comprised of three outs. In cricket, the math is a bit more extensive: an inning is considered complete once ten batters have been struck out, and matches can last several days. It’s no wonder that as far […]

  6. SMX Advanced Registration Open – Best Rates Available Until March 28 Ready to exchange ideas, influence the industry and build your network? Join the most accomplished search marketers in the world for Search Marketing Expo – SMX Advanced. The conference will be held June 11-12 at the Bell Harbor International Conference Center in Seattle, WA. The focus of SMX Advanced is unique. Conference sessions and keynotes […]

  7. And The $1.5 Million Winner Was … “What’s #EsuranceSave30?” Now it can be told. The tweet that earned a Northern California man a $1.5 million pallet of cash from Esurance’s post Super Bowl promotion was … “What’s #EsuranceSave30?” Perhaps not the most resonant marketing message, but Esurance is still very pleased with the results of the campaign that created the Super Bowl’s most-tweeted hashtag. […]

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