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Marketing Day: March 10, 2014

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on

Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Welcome Change? Facebook’s New Brand Page Design Mimics Personal News Feeds Facebook is simplifying the layout of its brand pages, announcing today that it will display page posts in a single column rather than the current dual display. Facebook said it will start rolling out the changes this week. The change will mean that a page’s posts will appear in the main well of content on […]

  2. Pros & Cons Of Date Stamping Your Content As content marketing continually increases in popularity, more and more content is being published each and every day. In fact, more than two million blog posts are written daily. With all that content being published, date stamping is an easy way for users to gauge the newness and relevancy of a blog post or article. […]

  3. Report: Only 6% Of Buyers Claim Social Media Impacts B2B Buying Process According to a recently published B2B Website Usability Report surveying buyers, social media and blogging have little influence on the B2B buying process. Only six percent of the respondents claimed social media impacted their B2B purchases “a lot” and a meager 22 percent said they were interested in vendor blog content. Conducted by Diana Huff […]

  4. Pinterest’s First Transparency Report: Only 12 Govt. Data Requests Following in the footsteps of many other big name web/tech properties, Pinterest published its first transparency report on Friday. But there’s not much of a comparison between Pinterest’s report and the ones that others have shared in the past couple years. While companies like Google and Facebook typically report thousands of government requests in any […]

  5. URL Shortening Giant Bitly Will Provide Click Data to Moz Bitly, the Internet’s URL shortening leader, announced today that it will provide data and click-tracking technology to Moz. Moz’s optimization software previously used link data from Twitter to rank web pages’ social media relevance but it is turning to Bitly to get a more complete picture of user behavior. “The Bitly click dataset is hands […]

  6. Get To Know: The CMO Of Erwin Penland Advertising As Chief Marketing Officer at one of the largest full-service advertising agencies based in the South, Joe Saracino develops and implements Erwin Penland’s overall marketing plan, while securing new business opportunities across the country in a variety of disciplines and vertical industries. Before joining EP as its first-ever CMO, Saracino spent more than 15 years […]

  7. How Mobile Apps Can Nurture Brand Loyalty: Stories From SXSWi Brands may think they’ve got it made when they’ve enticed a customer to download and install their mobile app. After all, they’ve gotten a coveted spot on that ever-present mobile device. But there’s so much more opportunity when it comes to nurturing customer loyalty. That’s the conclusion of a panel of mobile experts who spoke […]

  8. Report Says Facebook’s Organic Reach Will Hit Zero. Our Response? Of Course It Won’t. A recent report from social@Ogilvy warns of a world with no organic reach for any brand pages where all brands have to pay to play. Dubbed “Facebook Zero: Considering Life After the Demise of Organic Reach” the study paints a grim picture for the free marketing that brands can harness on Facebook. While the statement […]

  9. Instagram Strikes First Big Ad Deal In A Win For Facebook Instagram had tip-toed into advertising, debuting ads in users’ streams just last November. Today, it’s reportedly moving into the big leagues with a new advertising deal inked with the agency holding giant Omnicom. Ad Age reports the deal is worth up to $100 million. The deal opens up ads to the brands working with agencies […]

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