Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
How “Do It With Me” marketing services can help SMBs access the latest marketing practices Jun 24, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are the new frontier for digital services.
Influencing with ad copy: how to truly drive action Jun 24, 2016 by Purna Virji Is your ad copy ineffective? Columnist Purna Virji discusses how you can tap into your customers’ decision-making brains to drive clicks and conversions.
Fishing for B2B success: How to use AdWords to “land a big one” Jun 24, 2016 by Jacob Baadsgaard Like fishing, refining your AdWords campaign takes time and patience. Columnist Jacob Baadsgaard outlines his process for catching big leads in B2B.
Why retailers shouldn’t overreact to the voice search revolution Jun 24, 2016 by Andy Taylor Columnist Andy Taylor of Merkle|RKG shares data and provides insight into how voice search is impacting retailers.
New Lytics Personalization promises greater simplicity and sophistication Jun 24, 2016 by Greg Sterling Platform seeks to help marketers deliver more customized experiences on their websites and beyond.
Retail survey: 51% of shoppers want digital coupons; 67% find facial recognition creepy Jun 24, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues RichRevelance, an omnichannel personalization provider, polled more than 1,000 consumers to uncover consumer attitudes toward retail technology.
From leads to data: how changes in the media business affect B2B marketers Jun 24, 2016 by Scott Vaughan Columnist Scott Vaughan takes a look at the transformation of media companies and what it means for B2B marketers and their data solutions.
Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble: Tough times ahead in digital Jun 24, 2016 by Lewis Gersh Is digital marketing headed for a big-time crash? Columnist Lewis Gersh thinks so — and he offers marketers advice on how to survive the impact.
YouTube adds mobile live-streaming to catch up to Facebook, Periscope Jun 23, 2016 by Tim Peterson YouTube Live isn’t all that different from Twitter’s Periscope or Facebook Live, but its execs claim it’s faster and more reliable than its rivals.
Discover the link between SEO data and influencer marketing Jun 23, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot Combining SEO with Influencer Marketing enables you to ensure you are identifying the right influencers, based on the keywords and content campaigns you are already optimizing for.
Forecast: 33 percent of internet users will be ad blocking by next year Jun 23, 2016 by Greg Sterling Rapid growth of ad blocking requires more soul-searching, faster action by industry.
Facebook is getting closer to putting ads in Live videos Jun 23, 2016 by Tim Peterson At VidCon, Facebook’s video product boss, Fidji Simo, said the company will test different monetization models for Facebook Live “over the next couple months.”
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Blogs & Blogging
Blog Community: 5 Types of People Your Blog Needs, heidicohen.com
Business Issues
Content Marketing
31 Types of Content We Crave, contentmarketinginstitute.com
How the Atlantic’s content-marketing division is expanding internationally, digiday.com
How to Create Maximum Content with Minimal Hassles, www.convinceandconvert.com
Interactive Content Is More Than Just an Attention-Grabber, www.emarketer.com
Native Advertising and the Content Marketing Revolution, www.emarketer.com
Why A Long Term Content Strategy Wins, www.searchenginejournal.com
Conversion Optimization
3 Simple Hacks for Better Copy and More Conversions in Less Time, www.copyblogger.com
Pinterest Conversion Tracking for Promoted Pins Unveiled, smallbiztrends.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
A Designer’s Guide To The $15 Billion Artificial Intelligence Industry, www.fastcodesign.com
One Simple Tactic to Writing Website Copy That Sells, smallbiztrends.com
The automation of design, techcrunch.com
A vendor focused on what happens after an online checkout raises $22 million, www.internetretailer.com
Amazon makes it harder for retailers to ride Prime Day’s coattails, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Creating a Commerce-Enabled Community, multichannelmerchant.com
How Your Ecommerce Operations Have Benefited from the Amazon Effect, multichannelmerchant.com
Making online auctions fun for mobile millennials, www.internetretailer.com
Most Consumers Willing to Wait for Digital Purchase Deliveries, www.emarketer.com
The Age of Authenticity: Retail Marketers Must Embrace UGC, multichannelmerchant.com
Email Marketing
3 Ways to Get Inside Your Prospects’ Inboxes, www.wordstream.com
How to Build a Better Welcome Email Series, movableink.com
General Internet Marketing
Why More CMOs Should Embrace Data Management Platforms, www.convinceandconvert.com
23 Must-Have Tools for Your Marketing Stack, blog.kissmetrics.com
As ad tech consolidates, business models shift, digiday.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
AMPlifying Google Play Newsstand, amphtml.wordpress.com
5 Ways to Amp Up Your Mobile Marketing Strategy, blog.marketo.com
Glass support website finally confirms ‘Glass: Enterprise Edition’ name, add-on battery pack, 9to5 Google
How to Determine Mobile App ROI for Small Businesses, smallbiztrends.com
Updates on iOS & Android: Spice Up the Emails You Want to Send and Unsend the Ones You Don’t, yahoo.tumblr.com
WhatsApp hits 100 million calls per day, techcrunch.com
Why mobile game developers should take influencer marketing seriously, venturebeat.com
Social Media
2016 NBA Playoffs on Facebook, media.fb.com
Facebook Instant Articles: How to Get Started, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Facebook plays favorites with publishers, digiday.com
How Social and Mobile Platforms can Enliven your Patriotism this Independence Day, www.martechadvisor.com
How Social Can Transform Your Employee Engagement Strategy, www.cmswire.com
Inside The Weird And Wonderful World Of Instagram Pet Influencers, www.fastcompany.com
Pinterest bags Tote for social media merchandising strategy, www.retaildive.com
SMASH Sales with Facebook Buyer Targeting Personas, www.aimclearblog.com
The Lego Model: How to Build Your Social Brand, www.adweek.com
Twitter quietly launches tags to location feeds with Foursquare, techcrunch.com
Analysis of 10 billion mobile video ads shows what gets your app installed, venturebeat.com
Facebook Live grows up with two-person broadcasts and waiting rooms for viewers, techcrunch.com
Facebook will let you schedule live videos and broadcast right from the MSQRD app, venturebeat.com
How VoD is becoming the video consumption method of choice across the world, econsultancy.com
Live-streams of Sit-In Mark Defining Moment for Social Video, adage.com
Native video is the next big ad format, just ask Facebook, digiday.com
Snapchat has quietly introduced the world to augmented reality, qz.com