Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Data Show Dramatic Shifts In Mobile Operating System Share Over Time Jan 8, 2016 by Greg Sterling The latest monthly smartphone and mobile data from comScore show little change. Google’s Android continues to lead the US smartphone market, with 51 percent market share. Apple’s iOS is roughly 10 points behind. Microsoft’s smartphone market share is below three percent, and BlackBerry is at one percent.
Enhance Search Engagement With A Complementary Paid & Organic Visibility Strategy Jan 8, 2016 by Thomas Stern Columnist Thomas Stern explains how paid and organic search efforts can be used together to boost ROI through increased brand awareness and visitor engagement.
Six Trends Shaping Location Marketing In 2016 Jan 8, 2016 by Adam Dorfman How will local marketing change this year? From apps to beacons to mobile wallets, columnist Adam Dorfman covers six trends local search marketers should pay attention to.
9 Examples Of Link-Worthy Resources For E-Commerce Sites Jan 8, 2016 by Julie Joyce Wondering how to get links to your internal e-commerce pages? Columnist Julie Joyce showcases some companies who are using creative tactics and content to attract links.
IoT Data Helps A CRM Live Up To Its Name Jan 8, 2016 by Loretta Jones Columnist Loretta Jones believes that with the Internet of Things and a proliferation of data, marketers have an opportunity to better understand and meet the needs of their customers.
Is Content Marketing A Strategy, A Tactic Or A Channel? Jan 8, 2016 by Rachel Lindteigen Columnist Rachel Lindteigen believes content marketing shouldn’t be a standalone tactic — it should help tell a cohesive story and shape your overall strategy.
Making The Most Of Google Analytics Audiences Within Your Search Campaigns Jan 8, 2016 by Laura Collins Search marketers, have you been using Google Analytics in conjunction with Remarketing Lists for Search Ads? If not, columnist Laura Collins is here to explain the benefits.
Study: Ads Effective As Way To Stimulate Dormant App Usage, Prevent Deletion Jan 7, 2016 by Greg Sterling Smartphone owners spend nearly 90 percent of mobile device time in apps. However, only a small fraction of the 25 to 40 apps on users’ devices are regularly used; the rest are neglected and eventually replaced or deleted.
Taco Bell To Reveal Its Next Big Menu Item At Super Bowl 50… We Think Jan 7, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues In a much redacted news release, the restaurant says it will be unveiling what could be its biggest food creation yet.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Blogs & Blogging
10 Things To Do After Your Post Goes Live, www.searchenginepeople.com
11 Quick Tips for Writing Compelling Blog Posts, www.problogger.net
NFL to live-stream all London games, in talks with Apple, Google, www.reuters.com
Business Issues
Content Marketing
3 Resources to Help You Choose the Right Words for Your Content, www.copyblogger.com
Ad Blocking Will Push Native Advertising Ahead in 2016, www.emarketer.com
Need to Crush Content Promotion? Love Your Dealers, www.portent.com
The New Hollywood: Why Brands Are Making Movies, contently.com
Conversion Optimization
Quick Start Guide to Ad Variation Testing, blog.adstage.io
Copywriting, Design & Usability
5 Ways Web CMS Supports the Digital Experience, www.cmswire.com
Apple Registers Apple.Car Domain Name, www.domaininvesting.com
4 e-commerce predictions for 2016, www.internetretailer.com
6 Ecommerce Email Marketing Campaigns for Q1 2016, www.practicalecommerce.com
Holiday e-commerce increases 13% to $69 billion, www.internetretailer.com
How machine learning is changing online retail for good, econsultancy.com
Second 500 retailers step up efforts to save online sales, www.internetretailer.com
Email Marketing
10 brands that upped their email game this holiday season, myemma.com
19 Free Tools for Email Marketing, www.practicalecommerce.com
What Marketers Need to Know About Yahoo Mail’s Birthday Makeover, www.marketingprofs.com
General Internet Marketing
A Beginner’s Guide to Launching a Successful Marketing Campaign, unbounce.com
Can Media Agencies Bring Order To The Chaos Of Influencer Marketing?, adexchanger.com
Five Global Marketing Must-Haves for the New Year, www.marketingprofs.com
Marketing Basics: Buyer Personas, www.webinknow.com
What Star Wars Can Teach Marketers, blog.marketo.com
Why Startup Marketers Need to Find Their Tribe, blog.kissmetrics.com
Why You Don’t Need Advanced Strategies to Find Success in 2016, blogs.constantcontact.com
Internet Marketing Industry
App Store Analytics Data in the Publisher Interface, www.tune.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
BlackBerry Doubles Down on Android With 2016 Smartphone Lineup, www.cmswire.com
Google teams up with Lenovo on smartphone with Project Tango’s augmented reality, VentureBeat
How To Build A Mobile App In 12 Easy Steps, www.biznessapps.com
Malicious apps in Google Play made unauthorized downloads, sought root, arstechnica.com
Microsoft is building its own SIM card for Windows, www.theverge.com
Why other location-based technologies could steal beacons’ thunder in 2016, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Reputation Management
How to Create a Google Reviews Landing Page for Your Business, www.convinceandconvert.com
Social Media
Facebook ‘Sponsored Stories’ settlement backed by court, www.mercurynews.com
How to Create an Evergreen Facebook Ad Campaign, www.jonloomer.com
Improving Your Social Media Strategy, smallbiztrends.com
Social Media Evolution: What Does the Future of Social Marketing Look Like?, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Twitter Slumps to All-Time Low as Product Changes Loom, Bloomberg
Ultimate Social Media Cheat Sheet 2016 Edition, www.blogherald.com
What Brands Need To Know About Social Media In 2016, blog.newswhip.com
What Creative Social Marketing Looks Likes for an Agency, simplymeasured.com
What Will 2016 Hold for Social Marketers?, www.adweek.com
Will millennials check out The Wall Street Journal on Snapchat?, digiday.com
Emojis and Social Video: Top Emojis on Vine and Instagram, www.reelseo.com
How subtitles in videos can increase engagement, www.martechadvisor.com
YouTube CBO announces GoPro partnership, 9to5google.com
YouTube Will Join Netflix And Amazon With Support For HDR Video, techcrunch.com