Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
[WATCH] Marketing Land Live #21: Payday loans, Twitter verification requirements & more Jul 25, 2016 by Matt McGee In our latest show, we talk about Google’s delayed implementation of the payday loans ad ban, Twitter’s strange requirements for getting verified and more.
Deliver content your employees want to share Jul 25, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot Your employees are your greatest asset. It makes perfect sense that companies would double down on their own talent, empowering them to be the voice of their brand. In this e-book, Dynamic Signal explores the connection between content and employees.
The missing link in your content promotion strategy Jul 25, 2016 by Quinn Whissen Sure, you’re creating great content, but are you connecting your leads to sales? Columnist Quinn Whissen explains why attributing leads to revenue is essential for your content promotion strategy.
From in-house to agency: how to adapt Jul 25, 2016 by Matt Clough Ready to make the leap from in-house to agency? Columnist Matt Clough discusses what you should expect and offers some tips on how to make it a smooth transition.
Are you telling all your prospects the same story? Jul 25, 2016 by Jeffrey L. Cohen If you are, then it’s time to rethink your strategy. Columnist Jeffrey L. Cohen explains why the right marketing automation program will help you target prospects with the stories they care about.
Twitter adds to live sports roster with weekly MLB, NHL games Jul 25, 2016 by Tim Peterson Twitter has assembled a big three of live sports streams, and it’s also adding its own version of “SportsCenter.”
Verizon is buying Yahoo for $4.83 billion Jul 25, 2016 by Greg Sterling The deal does not include Yahoo’s cash, its Alibaba shares or Yahoo Japan.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Google’s Smart Bidding will soon include ability to set Target CPA by device in AdWords
Color fade: A history of Google ad labeling in search results
Local businesses trump big businesses when it comes to delivering on-site updates
After buying Yahoo for nearly $5 billion, Verizon is now in the search business
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
3 changes that will strengthen your data science team, venturebeat.com
How predictive analytics discovers a data breach before it happens, techcrunch.com
Leveraging Analytics For Remarketing: Picking The Ripest Fruit, www.ppchero.com
The 7 Unholy Lies Your Analytics Are Telling You (and How to Discover the Gospel Truth), conversionxl.com
Blogs & Blogging
3 Ways to Get Executives Excited About Guest Posts, contently.com
8 Ways Bloggers Can Make Money on the Side, www.blogherald.com
Why My Blog Motto is “Done and Not Perfect”, www.problogger.net
Business Issues
AOL’s Tim Armstrong says “scale is imperative” in the Verizon-Yahoo deal, www.recode.net
How Instagram’s Head Engineer Is Using Quantum Mechanics To Manage His Team, www.fastcompany.com
YouTube Names Oona King Global Director of Diversity Marketing, www.adweek.com
Content Marketing
15 Content Marketing Trends That Need Your Close Attention, www.jeffbullas.com
3 Simple Ways to Bust Stereotypes and Craft a Remarkable Message, www.copyblogger.com
For Content Marketing, Use History, www.practicalecommerce.com
How Content Marketers Feel They Measure Up to Their Peers, www.marketingprofs.com
How Luxury Brands Should Tackle Content Marketing Attribution, contently.com
How to beat Pokemon Go with content marketing, www.cornwallseo.com
Why Cisco Is Hiring Over 200 Content Marketers, contently.com
Conversion Optimization
14 Things That You Can Do Right Now to Get at Least 10 New Leads by Tomorrow Morning, blog.crazyegg.com
7 data led reasons why your conversion rates have dropped, www.branded3.com
Can You Trust the “Science” of Optimization?, conversionxl.com
Pop-Ups Vs. Usability, Conversions And Bounce Rates, usabilitygeek.com
20 Free Design Tools for Ecommerce Merchants, www.practicalecommerce.com
CRO Testing Shows Power of Urgency Tactics in E-Commerce, ignitevisibility.com
Jet.com Is Still Trying to Take On Amazon, fortune.com
Retailers’ average return on Facebook ad spend jumps 75% in Q2, www.internetretailer.com
Shopmented reality: Mobile blurs the line between online and in-store shopping, www.internetretailer.com
Testing Credit-Card Numbers In E-Commerce Checkouts (Cheat Sheet), www.smashingmagazine.com
The Future of e-Commerce: What if Users Could Skip Your Site?, moz.com
Why retailers still struggle with omnichannel – and how they can conquer the challenge, www.retaildive.com
Email Marketing
Holiday Email Marketing Campaign KickOff, movableink.com
How to Write a Winning Welcome Email, blogs.constantcontact.com
Retail Emails Soon Lead to Sales, www.emarketer.com
General Internet Marketing
4 Successful Influencer Campaigns You Can Model, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
3 Change Management Tips for Adopting New Marketing Technology, www.martechadvisor.com
Facebook Marketing Partners Specialty Showcase: Ad Technology, www.facebook.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
3 Best Practices for Mobile Marketing, blog.marketo.com
Best WordPress Push Notification Plugins to Increase Returning Visitors, www.wpexplorer.com
How to Win Mobile Moments, www.tune.com
Mobile commerce in review: The future gets closer, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Push notifications, mobile appointment booking dominate back-to-school commerce efforts, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Social Media
6 Unforgettable Lessons from Southwest Airlines Social Media Crisis, www.convinceandconvert.com
7 Social Media Management Tips to Save Time AND Increase Engagement, www.wordstream.com
Creating a Business Profile on Instagram, blog.business.instagram.com
Facebook Gets Strong Majority of World’s Social Ad Spending, www.emarketer.com
Five Social Best-Practices and Their Examples From the Food Industry, www.marketingprofs.com
If Your CEO Doesn’t Understand Your Social Strategy, You Don’t Have One, www.adweek.com
See What’s Happening, www.Twitter.com
Struggling With Social? Call in Your Influencers, contentmarketinginstitute.com
To move forward, Snapchat must look to Instagram, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Twitter to Email: 5 Twitter Email Notifications Tools, www.internetmarketingninjas.com
Why Publishers Need to Walk Away From Facebook, www.adweek.com
11 Ways to Use Facebook’s 24-hour Live Streaming for Business, www.jeffbullas.com
6 Ways to Use Facebook Live Video for Your Business, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
Automated video: considerations for publishers and advertisers, econsultancy.com
How to build your own Facebook Live Studio for under $6K, www.geekstyle.co.il
How to create Facebook videos that break through and get noticed, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
How Video Selfies Help Keep My Company Connected, www.fastcompany.com
Publishers Drive Early Wins With Facebook Live, adexchanger.com
YouTube: Pokemon Go is ‘a unique video game phenomenon like no other’, venturebeat.com