Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Kiosked launches wrapper so any 360-degree video/still can fit into any mobile IAB ad format Jun 16, 2016 by Barry Levine The wrapped video/still can then be served through a brand’s regular ad ecosystem.
Common misconceptions when measuring SEO content performance Jun 16, 2016 by Ian Bowden As SEO practitioners turn their focus toward user engagement as a measure of content success, columnist Ian Bowden says the conventional wisdom surrounding user engagement metrics may, in fact, be misleading.
How to quickly find and export all subdomains indexed by Google Jun 16, 2016 by Max Prin Performing an SEO audit? Contributor Max Prin demonstrates how to find all of a website’s indexed subdomains using a simple (and free) Chrome plugin.
Moz shows you how to clean up your citations to rank higher in search Jun 16, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot Learn why citation cleanup is imperative in Local SEO efforts — and what you may risk by doing nothing.
How B2B marketers can win the battle for attention Jun 16, 2016 by Peter Isaacson How do you increase customer engagement? Columnist Peter Isaacson discusses some key tactics to help you turn prospects into sales opportunities.
Survey: Pre-roll ads are a major barrier to watching online news videos Jun 16, 2016 by Matt McGee In a new international survey of web users, less than 25 percent say they watch online news video content in a typical week. Pre-roll ads are a major reason why.
4 reasons to love the Marketing Technology Landscape supergraphic Jun 16, 2016 by Erik Matlick With the martech landscape hitting the 3,500 mark, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But columnist Erik Matlick explains why the bevy of choices represents an incredible opportunity.
Taykey opens Trends Advertising targeting to programmatic Jun 16, 2016 by Ginny Marvin Advertisers can combine cookie-based audiences with Taykey’s real-time trends data to automatically target audiences reading and sharing relevant content.
Why location is the hottest topic in digital marketing right now Jun 15, 2016 by Greg Sterling Location data offer a goldmine of insights that marketers cannot afford to ignore.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Why certain opinions matter more than others when it comes to swaying consumers’ buying habits
Brief change suggests local SEO ranking factors are different for branded queries
Google search analytics report adds the ability to compare queries
Now you can edit text ads and address disapprovals in Bing Ads apps
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Affiliate Marketing
Going Global with Affiliate, blog.cj.com
With $15.4 Million Series C Funding, Performance Horizon Tackles Affiliate Market, adexchanger.com
Blogs & Blogging
9 Reasons I Hate Your Blog, www.problogger.net
My Brief, Absurd Stint Blogging for a Giant Tech Brand, contently.com
Business Issues
Content Marketing
3 Secrets to Great Content Marketing, www.martechadvisor.com
5 Ways to Incorporate Your Community into Content Creation, www.ducttapemarketing.com
A Marketer’s Guide to Content Curation, www.convinceandconvert.com
B2B vs. B2C Content Marketing: Stuff You Need to Know, www.marketingprofs.com
Eyes Wide Open: Grappling With the Content Slow Jam, www.cmswire.com
How to Incorporate LinkedIn Into Your Content Marketing Strategy, www.copypress.com
How to Put More Emotion in Storytelling, adage.com
How to Structure Content Marketing Campaigns That Actually Increase Demand, blog.kissmetrics.com
The Content Junkyard (and Why So Many Articles Fail), www.copyblogger.com
Why Interactive Content Matters and How to Get Started Today, www.socialmediaexplorer.com
Conversion Optimization
7 hot tips for writing a top-converting services page, seocopywriting.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
Domain Names as an Alternative to App Store Competition, www.domaininvesting.com
Amazon makes it 67% cheaper for merchants to ship small, flat items, www.internetretailer.com
eBay hired Uber’s global head of diversity and inclusion, techcrunch.com
Guide to Providing Excellent Customer Service on Etsy and eBay, smallbiztrends.com
How Consumers Across the Globe Shop and Buy Online, multichannelmerchant.com
Study: Prime members make up 60% of Amazon’s GMV, www.retaildive.com
Email Marketing
3 Email Marketing Lessons from Presidential Email Campaigns, movableink.com
5 Simply Awesome Email Automation Funnels To Build Today, www.jeffbullas.com
7 habits of highly effective email marketers, myemma.com
8 B2B email marketing examples that deserve a trophy, myemma.com
How to Collect Contact Information Over Time, blogs.constantcontact.com
What’s Your Email Marketing Plan?, blog.mailchimp.com
Give Me Some Love: Ad Tech & Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, www.cmswire.com
Marketing tech company Performance Horizon raises $15.4M, techcrunch.com
The ripple effect of a market correction in adtech, venturebeat.com
The Secret Life of Brands: What Image-Recognition Technology Reveals, www.adweek.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
What You Need to Know about Apple’s Massive iOS 10 Release, 3qdigital.com
Avoid These Common Continuous Apps Mistakes, www.cmswire.com
Facebook rolls out a new look for Messenger, techcrunch.com
How to Create Universal App Campaigns In 60 Seconds (or Less!), www.wordstream.com
Mobile Marketing Best Practices:Targeting Brick-and-Mortar Shoppers, multichannelmerchant.com
The Making of a Localized Digital UK Marketing Campaign, unbounce.com
Social Media
3 New Tools For Facebook Advertisers To Measure Store Visits & Sales, www.searchenginejournal.com
5 Facebook Ads Strategies for Growing Accounts, www.searchenginejournal.com
9 Visual Tools to Create Awesome Social Media Images, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
B2B Marketers Brace for the Snapchat Wave, www.cmswire.com
Create Facebook Custom Audiences for Lead Ad Form Engagement, www.jonloomer.com
Facebook Launches Creative Hub | Special: Cannes Lions, adage.com
Intel becomes the first brand to publish on Facebook’s Instant Articles, digiday.com
LinkedIn goes down following Microsoft acquisition (Update: Fixed), venturebeat.com
Snapchat Partners With Oracle to Show Its Ads Work, adage.com
Snapchat’s API Makes It Easier For Advertisers To Test, And Now They Need To See Results, adexchanger.com
Social Media Blogging: 4 Reasons Your CMO Needs, heidicohen.com
The Best Brands on Twitter Don’t Tweet Like Brands, contently.com
The Snapchat Marketing Guide for Brands, trackmaven.com
Use Social Media to Guide the Customer Journey, blog.marketo.com
What 75 of the Top Social Media Managers Are Working On Today, blog.bufferapp.com
Eye Tracking Shows Mobile Video Ads Embedded in Articles Perform Better Than on Social, www.adweek.com
Imgur Rolls Out Video for Its Native Ads, adage.com
Looking Beyond Facebook For Video, adexchanger.com
The future of VR lies with collaborative experiences, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
YouTube Stars Form New Guild To Give Creators A Stronger Voice, www.fastcompany.com