Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Top 10 video creators in June: BuzzFeed Tasty keeps the lead, but loses a million views Jul 20, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues According to Tubular Labs video analytics, the top 100 videos earned a combined 40.4 billion views across YouTube, Facebook, Vine and Instagram.
Ad tech firm Likqid Media launches publisher solution that can handle either HTML5 or Flash video ads Jul 20, 2016 by Barry Levine Called Fusion, it is designed to help publishers manage the transition away from Flash.
Expanded Text Ads: Are they living up to the hype? Jul 20, 2016 by Laura Collins Expanded Text Ads will be available to all AdWords advertisers by the end of the year, so how might this impact your accounts? Columnist Laura Collins shares some data from Merkle|Periscopix clients.
12 programmatic creative tactics for retail and retailer brands Jul 20, 2016 by Digital Marketing Depot Programmatic has transformed how the advertising game is played, unlocking a new strategy of tailoring and testing creatives. In turn, this activates programmatic data to maximize campaign performance by audience. This white paper from Thunder is designed to spark your creativity and equip you with the methods to take full advantage of the opportunity.
Using spark files for content creation Jul 20, 2016 by Julie Joyce Columnist Julie Joyce gives us examples of how she uses spark files for content creation ideas that can lead to more links.
What do employers look for in a content marketer? Jul 20, 2016 by Kerry Jones Columnist Kerry Jones explains why content marketers need to be both technical wizards and artistic geniuses to land a job.
A CMO’s View: How Dollar Shave Club built its brand on video marketing Jul 20, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues As the company’s first marketing employee, Adam Weber now serves as Dollar Shave Club’s CMO, leading the brand’s video marketing strategy.
Imperson unveils chatbot platform so you can create your own character Jul 20, 2016 by Barry Levine The self-service platform utilizes the same technology it employed to launch Miss Piggy and other chatbot personalities.
DialogTech launches machine learning to automatically categorize phone calls Jul 20, 2016 by Barry Levine Company says new capability is the first such use of that tech outside of call centers.
5 ways to send the most relevant emails to your recipients Jul 20, 2016 by Scott Heimes How do you get people to open and engage with your emails? Columnist Scott Heimes says it’s all about sending what they want to receive.
Twitter expanding Featured Tweets and response time tests to more brands Jul 20, 2016 by Matt McGee One test tells users how responsive brands are, and another lets brands show their best tweets on profile pages.
Christmas in July: 4 ways to maximize your holiday ad budget Jul 20, 2016 by Andrew Waber It’s time to unwrap your holiday ad strategy! Columnist Andrew Waber’s data-backed recommendations will help you prepare for the season and stay a step ahead of your competitors.
On Prime Day, 74% of all US e-commerce happened on Amazon [Report] Jul 20, 2016 by Matt McGee Slice Intelligence data reinforces Amazon’s claim that Prime Day 2016 was huge and suggests it has plenty of room to grow, too.
Microsoft reports $22.6B in revenue for Q4, reaching $92B for its 2016 fiscal year Jul 20, 2016 by Amy Gesenhues CEO Satya Nadella says Microsoft is “well positioned” for new opportunities in the coming year.
Twitter-NBA deal marks first exclusive original shows for social network, company confirms Jul 19, 2016 by Tim Peterson Twitter’s two-year renewal with the NBA marks the first time Twitter has secured exclusive original shows and changes who oversees ad sales.
Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
A Closer Look at the State of Predictive Analytics, www.emarketer.com
How-to: measure media spend’s impact at all points of the funnel, 3qdigital.com
Business Issues
Google Uses AI to Lure New Cloud Customers, www.wsj.com
Content Marketing
13 Suggestions for Content Marketing Inspiration, www.komarketingassociates.com
5 Content Marketing Trends Sweeping Europe, contently.com
Content Marketing Strategy, Done Right, www.cmswire.com
Creative Spotlight: 5 Tips for Creating Compelling Ideations, www.copypress.com
Eight quick, no-hassle content ideas for local businesses, econsultancy.com
How to Create Engaging Content (Even If Your’e a Terrible Writer), blog.crazyegg.com
How to Make Award Winning Creative Content, www.distilled.net
How to Measure the Success of Content Marketing, www.searchenginejournal.com
Marketing Systems: How Guiding the Customer Journey with Content Works, www.jeffkorhan.com
The History of Content Marketing, unbounce.com
Conversion Optimization
3 Top Conversion Rate Optimization Rules, www.seerinteractive.com
Copywriting, Design & Usability
Here’s Why Web Design Will Affect Your Business, www.searchrank.com
How to Create a “Luxurious” User Experience (and Avoid Looking “Cheap”), conversionxl.com
7 merchandising strategies to drive e-commerce revenue, www.internetretailer.com
Amazon’s private-label ambitions and what they mean for rivals, www.internetretailer.com
Global Ecommerce Payment Market Will Grow 16% By 2020, multichannelmerchant.com
How eBay Crafts Its Social Ads to Target Both Geeky Guys and Fashionistas, www.adweek.com
Pinterest’s commerce head explains how A.I. and machine learning will transform shopping, venturebeat.com
What is wrong with your mobile loyalty program and how to fix it?, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Email Marketing
4 Ways Email Can Drive Other Marketing Channels, www.practicalecommerce.com
7 stats that reveal the future of email marketing, myemma.com
Email Marketing Personalization 101, movableink.com
General Internet Marketing
Dispelling Common Influencer Marketing Misconceptions (Report), www.adweek.com
Five Traits of a Modern Marketing Leader, adage.com
How to Create Images That Attract & Convince Your Target Niche, moz.com
How TV ad spending stacks up against digital ad spending in 4 charts, digiday.com
Keep Your Friends Close and Your Influencers Closer, www.convinceandconvert.com
The First Three Steps a CMO Should Take to Better Align Sales and Marketing, www.martechadvisor.com
What Google’s My Activity Feature Means for Brands, adage.com
Internet Marketing Industry
Cupid Media Translates 70 Million Words Per Month With SDL Technology, www.sdl.com
PostUp Announces Launch of Podcast, “Email Marketing’s Grave”, www.marketwired.com
A Publisher’s Plea For Ad Tech Vendors, adexchanger.com
Chatbots Are Making a Splash: Here’s How Marketers Can Prepare, www.cmswire.com
CMO Survey: Which Emerging Technology Will Transform the Customer Experience?, www.marketingprofs.com
How Marketing and IT Can Drive Engagement, blog.marketo.com
Mobile/Local Marketing
15 Awesome Social Media Apps for iPhone, www.razorsocial.com
5 Self-Serve Platforms for Location-Based Mobile Campaigns, streetfightmag.com
Android Users Interact More with Push Notifications, www.emarketer.com
Big mistakes that app marketers make daily, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
Controlling the Chaos: Why Progressive Mobile Matters, multichannelmerchant.com
Facebook’s Messenger hits 1 billion users, after two years as standalone app, www.reuters.com
Using machine learning to predict drivers of bounce and conversions on mobile, amphtml.wordpress.com
Social Media
10 Social Lessons for B2B Companies, simplymeasured.com
11 Pinterest Myths Debunked, blog.tailwindapp.com
26 WordPress Plugins for Social Media Marketers, www.socialmediaexaminer.com
7 Quick-Win Tactics For Social Media Success, www.searchenginepeople.com
A Day in the Life of a Social Media Marketer (2026 edition), contentmarketinginstitute.com
Does Your Social Media Strategy Address Customer Security Concerns?, www.adweek.com
Facebook throws shade at Snapchat’s anti-creepy business, techcrunch.com
Hacking the Facebook Newsfeed Algorithm: 5 Ways to Recover Organic Reach, www.wordstream.com
Is This New Snapchat Ad Feature Cool — or Creepy?, smallbiztrends.com
Social beats television in impact on purchasing decisions, www.mobilecommercedaily.com
The 5 Biggest Changes to Visual Content on Social, simplymeasured.com
Twitter admits it has ‘a lot of work’ to do with abusive trolls following Leslie Jones controversy, digiday.com
Why LinkedIn is the Only Social Media I Use, www.problogger.net
Facebook Android Users Can Now Save Videos, www.adweek.com
Facebook Live now lets you stream up to 4 hours of video, venturebeat.com
New Study Says People Are More Likely to Buy From Brands That Use Virtual Reality, www.adweek.com
Why BitTorrent is venturing into live video news, digiday.com
Why Video Marketing’s Popularity Is Great News for Writers, www.marketingprofs.com
YouTube Music Campaign Shows How Music Touches Every Type Of Person, www.fastcocreate.com
YouTube, Vine Personalities Getting Paid for Facebook Live Videos, Too (Report), www.adweek.com