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Marketing Day: June 8, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

It was a busy week in the marketing world, so this week’s column is going to be a bit like a lightning round on a game show. So without further ado … Groupon and Foursquare End Distribution Deal Groupon has stopped utilizing Foursquare as a mobile distribution partner. A Groupon spokesperson on Tuesday told ClickZ […]

Twitter is now saying that 60 percent of its 140-million-person active user base accesses the service via mobile devices. It’s the first time the company has updated that important statistic since last September, when Twitter said that 55 percent of what was then 100 million active users were using mobile devices. Twitter shared the stat […]

Mobile phones are, after all, phones, so it’s natural that they respond well to voice commands. So it’s no surprise that voice search has grown dramatically given advances in the technology. According to Google, speech inputs have grown 6X in the past year, as shown in the graph below. As voice technology continues to improve, […]

Facebook’s web & mobile app marketplace deemed “App Center” officially launches tonight. Announced last month, App Center will be available today and will launch with 600+ apps including Pinterest, Nike+, Draw Something and many more. The App Center will also be personalized to each user, with recommendations coming from app usage, friend data as well as ratings and […]

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