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Marketing Day: June 7, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. This Week On Vine: Samsung’s Triple Threat, Target’s LiteBrite, Game Of Thrones Reaction & More There’s been so much creativity with Vine recently that we thought we’d try a new feature here at Marketing Land, “This Week On Vine,” where we spotlight some of the Vines by companies and others that have caught our eye. Perhaps appropriately, we’ll start with this one from Samsung, which launched this in conjunction with Twitter […]

  2. Has Google Wallet Already Failed? Businessweek ran an article today in which it assesses the current state of Google’s Wallet efforts. Osama Bedier, who came from PayPal and ran the Google Wallet initiative, is leaving the company. And Google is rethinking its expectations of Wallet. Google Wallet is the consolidated product name for all stored credit card transactions online and […]

  3. Google Beats Apple & Facebook For Most Favorite Tech Company With 83% Favorable Rating A Washington Post poll ranking tech giants Google, Apple and Facebook revealed most Americans favor Google. Of the 1,007 Americans surveyed, 83 percent gave Google a favorable rating, while 72 percent gave Apple a favorable rating. Facebook scored the lowest with only 60 percent of survey participants giving the social network a favorable rating. While […]

  4. Study: Nearly 90 Percent Of Apple Users On Latest Version Of OS Next week is Apple’s much-anticipated developer conference in San Francisco. The company has had a difficult year (in the press and on Wall Street) and is expected to emphasize software rather than hardware next week. Among the potential announcements are “iRadio,” iOS 7 and a new version of OS X. However, we’ll probably see some […]

  5. Death Of The Digital-Only Agency? Marketing Students Say It’s Coming In 10 Years If you run a standalone digital agency or an agency that specializes in a specific vertical like social media, your days are numbered. That’s the conclusion of a recent study of more than 2,000 European marketing students — in the UK, France, Spain and Belgium, to be more specific. The study, “Next Generation of Marcoms,” […]

  6. What Do Google+’s Revved Up Image Features Mean For Marketers? Google+ hasn’t been a rousing success outside of the online marketing realm, but you could never accuse Google of not trying. The company is stepping its game up again with the newest G+ update; and this time, they’re focusing on photos, videos and even animated images. Facebook is the reigning king of photo sharing, especially […]

  7. Scope of Alleged Spying On Americans’ Internet Activity Massive, “Beyond Orwellian” It turns out that for the past roughly 6 years, the US government has been “collecting” or “mining” US citizens’ personal data and communications from telcos and Internet companies — effectively “spying” on US citizens. Those data, it has been alleged, come in large part from direct access to the servers of most of the […]

  8. Google, Apple, Facebook & AOL Deny Participating In Alleged NSA “PRISM” Program Both the Washington Post and The Guardian are out with stories saying that several major Internet companies gave the US National Security Agency direct access to user data on their servers by participating in what’s been named as the PRISM program. But, Google, Apple & Facebook flat-out deny being in that program, while Yahoo and […]

  9. Facebook To Streamline Ad Units, Focus On Advertiser Objectives Confused about whether to use a Page Post link ad or a Sponsored Story on Facebook? If so, you’re not alone. With nearly 30 types of different ads, Facebook said today it plans to dramatically simplify advertising on the site with an emphasis on advertiser objectives rather than ad units and categories. At a Facebook “whiteboard” […]

  10. Facebook’s New “Business” Open Graph Object Type Aims To Boost Visibility Of Local Info As of today, a new Open Graph object type will exist for local businesses on Facebook. This new object type, the Business Object, will help Facebook “better surface local business information” throughout the site, Facebook says. According to the Facebook Developers Blog, this change will help businesses surface better on: News Feed Graph Search Check-Ins […]

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