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Marketing Day: June 7, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Flurry Analytics has released data, drawn from its logs, that illustrate mobile app developers’ continuing preference for Apple’s iOS over Android. Among other reasons, Apple’s iOS offers “efficiency” and a “homogenous device base” (iPhone, iPad). By contrast, Flurry observes that Android is highly fragmented and that the problem “appears to be increasing.” Indeed, there are […]

Twitter is devoting “an inordinate amount of resources and time” to improve content discovery for its users — a challenge that’s no doubt made more difficult by the service’s growing userbase and increased tweet activity. Twitter CEO Dick Costolo told a conference audience this week that Twitter is now seeing more than 400 million tweets […]

In response to some very vocal feedback in the past week, Bitly has tweaked its new interface to make URL shortening faster, easier and more prominent. Many Bitly users were upset when the company relaunched its website last week and, in the process, shifted more toward a social experience than a URL shortening one. As […]

Google is finally and fully integrating AdMob‘s mobile app inventory into AdWords. The company says, “Starting today, over one million AdWords advertisers will now be able to reach engaged consumers on more than 350 million mobile devices in the AdMob network and in some of the world’s most popular mobile applications.” Google says AdMob inventory […]

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