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Marketing Day: June 6, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

One week from today, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Named and Numbers (ICANN) is due to announce a list of more than 1,900 newly proposed generic top-level domains (TLDs) — potential additions to the current and common TLDs such as .com, .net and .org. One company has applied for more than 300 of those new […]

Everyone’s favorite little bird is growing up … and taking off. Today Twitter announced the release of a modified logo of the Twitter bird taking off. The bird also looks to have gone to the stylist as well as the little tuft from the head has also been removed: With the addition of the […]

A new analysis by the Interactive Advertising Bureau and partners finds the global mobile advertising market was worth $5.3 billion in 2011. Of that, $1.7 billion, or 31.4%, was generated in North America. The study was undertaken by the IAB Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence, the IAB Europe and the IHS Screen Digest, in an […]

If there’s one thing that’s characterized the digital marketing universe, it’s fragmentation. Marketers use one tool/platform to implement one campaign element, another tool to implement a second, and never the twain shall meet — not in trafficking, and certainly not in reporting. And, of course, there are usually many more than two elements. This Achilles’ […]

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