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Marketing Day: June 5, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. YouTube’s New One Channel Design Now Live For All Publishers All video publishers with YouTube profiles have now been converted to the new “One Channel” design. This shouldn’t be a surprise, though: YouTube started teasing the new look back in February and promised a few weeks ago that the full conversion would be happening today. One Channel adds a number of customizations to YouTube profile […]

  2. “CMOs Are The New CIOs” & Other Things The Industry Is Saying About Salesforce Deal To Buy ExactTarget Marketing insiders had much to say about yesterday’s announcement that will be acquiring ExactTarget for nearly $2.5 billion. Commentaries were offered on everything from the future of marketing automation to the role of email marketing and its continued significance in an organization’s overall marketing strategy. Many feel the deal only reinforces the need for […]

  3. DoubleClick Unveils New Initiatives To Support Social, Native Ads, Video Asset Management Google will be rolling out a number of new features and tools for DoubleClick this year. DoubleClick’s Vice President, Display Advertising, Neal Mohan announced several new DoubleClick initiatives and features in a blog post that coincided with the start of the company’s annual thinkDoubleClick event. DoubleClick for Advertisers is getting a revamp and a new name. […]

  4. Pew: 61 Percent In US Now Have Smartphones This morning, the Pew Internet & American Life Project released new survey data (n=2,252 US adults) on smartphone adoption. The organization says that 56 percent of all US adults now have smartphones. However, among the population of mobile phone owners (91 percent of US adults), the smartphone penetration number is now 61 percent. By comparison, […]

  5. Automatically Tweet During Your Account’s Optimal Time With New FollowerWonk & Buffer Partnership Today, one of the most popular social media scheduling tools, Buffer, has teamed up with the also-popular Twitter Analytics tool Followerwonk. The integration is an exciting one. Thanks to Followerwonk data, Buffer will now be able to auto-schedule posts for users at the ideal times for each specific account. Followerwonk, a tool within the large […]

  6. Google Glass Bans Porn Apps: Makes Colbert’s Wag Of The Finger Yesterday, the first porn app for Google Glass was released; shortly later, Google banned the app after updating its Glass developer policies to prevent pornographic apps. MiKandi, the maker of the first Google Glass Porn app, updated the app to try to comply with those new policies, but Google has still limited or blocked their […]

  7. Evolving Your Email Marketing From Crawl To Walk To Run To PR Now that email marketing has been around for years, every retailer has an email marketing program. But, each program is at a different level of sophistication. The Evolution Of An Email Marketing Program Do you ever wonder where your program ranks compared to others? Need helping mapping out where to go from where you are? […]

  8. Google Glass Gains Upgraded Photo Software With HDR, Captioning Are you among the few out there with Google Glass? Now you’ve got better pictures — and the ability to add a caption – on the way. Google Glass just posted about the new features via its Google + page, saying about the photo software: Today we’re releasing new software for the camera on Glass. […]

  9. Recently Rebranded Moz Files Petition To Cancel Online Marketing Company Doz Trademark The newly-rebranded Moz, an online marketing software provider, has filed a petition to cancel a trademark of the similarly named online marketing company known as Doz. Moz filed the petition against Doz on April 9, 2013. According to the petition, Moz believes there is a likelihood of confusion between Moz and Doz because of the […]

  10. Smartphones Pass Feature Phones, US Apple Growth Exceeds Others IDC today released a device forecast that showed global smartphone shipments exceeding those of feature phones for the first time this year. Fueled in part by declining prices, smartphone growth is now taking off in emerging markets, as well. Back in the US, comScore released its monthly smartphone marketshare report. Among individual manufacturers, Apple controlled […]

  11. Mad Men’s Joan Harris: The New Face Of Google Now? If Google’s predictive search service Google Now needed a catchier name similar to Apple’s “Siri,” how about “Joan?” As in Joan Harris, who effectively personified herself in the last episode of Mad Men as doing what Google Now does. Joan Harris, junior partner with Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce Cutler Gleason & Chaough at the start […]

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