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Marketing Day: June 5, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Facebook ads are going mobile. Today BusinessInsider reported that the “Sponsored Stories” ad format has been opened to Facebook advertisers. The “Sponsored Stories” feature a more organic ad showing user interactions and activity. Advertisers can will be able to purchase via the ads API and Power Editor, no sales team required. Ad types look to include both smart […]

Facebook’s recent IPO has led to legal troubles at the financial/markets level, and there are signs, too, that it’s also having a negative effect on the site’s regular users. A new study shared today by Reuters/Ipsos paints a picture of the user backlash related to Facebook’s troubled IPO, and also questions both user activity and […]

Pinterest, the visual-focused social sharing startup, has taken the online world by storm over the last year. According to the latest referral traffic and active user statistics as reported by Media Bistro, Pinterest has surpassed LinkedIn as the third most-popular social network in the world with a 145% increase in daily users since January 2012. […]

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