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Marketing Day: June 3, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Yes, Twitter Is Down For Some, Having Site & API Issues Can’t log into Twitter? Can’t access profile pages or load particular tweets. Finding Twitter just unstable? Your Twitter client not working? It’s not you. It’s Twitter. I’ve been having problems with Twitter for about 20 minutes now, all of which I’ve described above. Now, Twitter’s officially posted that it is indeed having issues, saying: Some […]

  2. Feedly Outlines RSS Roadmap, Touts 68% Conversion Of Testers To Active Users With less than a month to go until Google Reader shuts down on July 1st, Feedly has shared what it’s been doing — and still plans to do — as RSS users search for an alternate feed reader. In a blog post, Feedly also says its userbase has been growing since Google’s announcement in mid-March: […]

  3. Twitter’s Vine App Now Available On Android Devices; iOS Version Hits 13M Users Twitter’s popular Vine app is finally available for Android devices. Twitter bought and released the social video app on iOS back in January, and it’s been one of the most popular apps among iPhone and iPad users for several months now. (It’s currently the No. 4 free app on the iPhone, for example.) In today’s […]

  4. Online Retailer Boticca Using Customer Instagram Photos On Homepage & Product Pages With the help of social photo crowdsourcing solution Olapic, the fashion website has started using customer photos on their homepage and adding the photos to product pages, as well. Launched last week, the website’s new photo Gallery feature will showcase Instagram and regular photos taken by customers wearing Bottica’s jewelry and accessory items. According […]

  5. Google Analytics Dashboard Sharing Among Profile Users Coming Soon Soon you’ll be able to share Google Analytics dashboards with other profile users. Google announced that dashboard sharing will be available to all users in the coming weeks. Currently, users can share dashboard template links, which don’t pass any traffic data. Template Links are a great option for sharing dashboard configurations you think other Google […]

  6. Survey: Windows Phone Gaining At Android’s Expense New consumer survey data from Kantar argues that Windows Phones “have begun to capture consumers from across the competitor set.” According to the research unit of ad-agency holding company WPP, recent Windows Phone purchasers were upgrading from feature phones (42 percent) or another Windows handset (25 percent). The other 23 percent were Android users changing […]

  7. Google In Secret Legal Battle With Feds Over Consumer Data In 2006, AOL, Microsoft and Yahoo all complied with Bush Administration Justice Department (DOJ) subpoenas to turn over search records — without a fight. The subpoenas were issued pursuant to the Child Online Protection Act of 1998, which the Supreme Court had previously ruled to be unconstitutional. The requests were made anyway, and Google was […]

  8. Expand Into New Digital Markets With A Semantic Microsite Strategy Creating great content has long been the only true way of creating long-term audiences of value. If we look back at the history of mass media, a certain process has played out time and time again. Print, radio and television have followed the same path from the original obsession with technology to the eventual love […]

  9. How To Make The Most Of The Google+ Design Changes Google announced at Google I/O this month that it’s introducing a number of changes to Google+, which mainly affect the site design as well as usability. The two most noticeable changes were probably the cover photo for pages and profiles, which has been enlarged greatly, and the redesigned gchat, which Google has rebranded as Google Hangout […]

  10. As Yahoo Begins Scanning Email To Target Ads, Is It Next On Microsoft’s “Scroogled” List? Did you know Yahoo scans email to do contextual ad targeting similar to the way Google does for Gmail? That wasn’t on my radar, but it is now, as the company is ending older versions of Yahoo Mail and forcing everyone to use the latest version, where terms of service allow for this type of […]

  11. Google: No Facial Recognition Apps Will be Approved For Google Glass Think Google Glass would be great if it could help you look at someone and automatically bring up information about them? Looks like you’ll have to do it the hard way and recognize them yourself. Google’s put up a statement saying it won’t approve any facial recognition apps. Google posted on Google+ about this, saying: […]

  12. Google’s “X Phone” Is Coming, So Are Nexus-Like Versions Of HTC One And Galaxy S4 Google’s mobile phone division Motorola is desperate for a hit. At a price of $12.5 billion, the company was Google’s largest acquisition ever. It has yet to generate any ROI for Mountain View. Motorola’s patent portfolio, the reason most-often cited as the driver of the acquisition, has seen its value dramatically reduced by the Google-FTC antitrust settlement and […]

  13. Tumblr Expands Sponsored Posts To Desktops Tumblr is bringing its sponsored posts to the Web. This does not signal a big change in strategy nor a sign of Yahoo’s new power over the blogging site since acquiring it for $1.1 billion nearly two weeks ago. This is an extension of the native ad unit Tumblr rolled out on its mobile apps for iOS and Android […]

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