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Marketing Day: June 28, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Google+ turns two years old today and is marking the occasion with new buttons and badges for websites, along with a few tweaks to its photo features. There’s also a special birthday logo that’s showing up only on (which you can see at right). As far as the new stuff goes, there’s a new […]

Starting Monday, Facebook will use a new review process to decide when it’s okay to show ads on Pages and Groups — a process that will expand the company’s list of Pages and Groups that are restricted from showing ads because of the content they offer. The new policy comes in response to recent complaints […]

Yahoo launched a new Yahoo News design this morning as part of their effort to modernize their look. Part of that is to build a consistent top bar navigation throughout all the Yahoo properties, which you can see on Yahoo’s home page and now news section. Techno-net discovered a test where Yahoo is testing that […]

Programmatic display advertising continued to show huge growth year-over-year in Q2 , particularly among retail and travel advertisers. That’s according to the Q2 Digital Marketing Report issued this week by IgnitionOne. The study found that, in addition to increasing investment in search, retail advertisers spent 130 percent more on programmatic display advertising in the quarter year-over-year. […]

As Google’s critics and rivals in Europe become increasingly vocal and aggressive in their campaign against the company’s proposed antitrust settlement, the European Commission (EC) has some egg on its face. EU Competition Commissioner Joaquin Almunia negotiated the current settlement with Google over a period of months. The specific provisions, including the controversial “rival links” […]

Managing an optimization program has parallels to running a professional baseball team. To be successful, it requires a coordinated effort by many, all with a common goal, as well as acknowledgement that to reach the pinnacle of success, your team must navigate what amounts to a marathon and not a sprint. In this case, having […]

Google Reader is closing next Monday, July 1. Yeah, you knew that. But did you also know that when it closes, anyone using FeedBurner is likely to see a huge plunge in subscriber counts reported for their feeds? Here’s why, and also why we may begin to see replacements for Google Reader publish their own […]

Earlier today Yahoo announced a newly redesigned Yahoo News site. Graphics are larger and there’s more white space at the article level. It may feel too spartan for some and yet too cluttered for others. Design is hard. Regardless, it’s more consistent with the look of the new Yahoo homepage. And like the homepage it’s […]

It’s now been a full week since Instagram added video recording to its popular camera app, and it’s already had a dramatic impact on its main competitor: Vine sharing on Twitter has tanked. We can use Topsy’s free analytics tool to compare how many times Twitter users have shared links versus links, and […]

When Facebook introduced its retargeting platform, Facebook Exchange (FBX), last year it was a nearly instant success, with partners raving about performance metrics. Then, earlier this year, Facebook opened up its News Feed to retargeting. We’ve seen early positive reports on News Feed retargeting, and now Ad Roll has released its latest data on FBX in the News […]

First brought to our attention by The Daily Dot, Yelp has sued to terminate and collect damages from a site called The site leads with Yelp but it promises to generate fake positive reviews for a range of local directories and social sites including Google +, Citysearch, InsiderPages,, SuperPages, Foursquare, Kudzu, YellowPages as […]

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