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Marketing Day: June 28, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Day two of Google’s developer conference, I/O 2012, is underway and we’re all gathered in the big hall for a second keynote. After yesterday’s keynote focused on Android software/hardware, Google+ and Google Glass(es), we’re expecting today to be all about Chrome, cloud-related news and Google TV. If the Internet/WiFi connection cooperates, we’ll be liveblogging the […]

Yesterday Google announced the promising Google+ Events functionality at Google I/O. However, one feature immediately irked many Google+ users, the ability for all Google+ users to invite other Google+ers to an event, even if they don’t have them in circles. So any Google+ user can invite any other user to an event. Of course this led […]

Google+, Google’s oft-debated and much maligned social network, turns a year old today. It’s been a year of hits and misses for Google+, and whether there’s been more of the former or the latter depends on who you ask. Google itself has shown almost no waver in its commitment to propping up Google+, even in […]

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