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Marketing Day: June 20, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Just days ahead of Facebook’s IPO, GM dropped Facebook Ads citing that they weren’t effective. While Facebook lost that $10 million dollar account lost last month, today Facebook gathered support from their two largest advertisers, Ford and Coca-Cola. Both brands stated that Facebook ads bring value to their marketing efforts. painting a much different picture in the […]

Google has been very hesitant to share Google+ data with 3rd party partners. Today however, Bradley Horowitz, Google’s VP of product management, announced the integration of Google+ on Flipboard. The announcement was made at LeWeb ’12 in London. The new integration is made possible thanks to a new Google API that not only allows public data to […]

Sometimes when visiting a Twitter profile page users can be inundated with a list of reply Tweets to other users instead of seeing what someone is up to. This reply-heavy timeline typically ocurs during back and forth exchanges. Today Twitter has announced the release of a reply-free user profile option to help users cut through the clutter […]

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