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Marketing Day: June 18, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Google Makes First Amendment Challenge To Publish FISA Request Counts Google wants to be transparent to its users about the number of super-secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) requests it is served by the US government — and it is claiming a First Amendment right to do so, in a new legal challenge the company has mounted. The Washington Post has news of the filing, along with […]

  2. Digital Advertising Agencies 2013: A Buyer’s Guide Many marketers opt to work with an agency to manage some or all of their digital marketing initiatives. But unless they have established relationships, it’s sometimes difficult to know which agencies are reliable and are a good fit with other key stakeholders in the overall process. Our sister site, Digital Marketing Depot can help if […]

  3. Canadian Govt. Asks Google To Explain Google Glass Privacy Google Glass isn’t publicly available yet, and even the Explorer edition is supposed to only be for US residents, but that’s not stopping the Canadian government from getting out in front of what it considers to be several privacy issues surrounding the device. Data protection authorities in Canada sent a letter today to Google CEO […]

  4. Google Glass & How Facebook, Twitter & Other Apps Aren’t Really Apps I’ve joined the Google Glass crowd, picking up my pair last Friday. Perhaps the biggest adjustment is understanding that Glass isn’t like a smartphone, where you select and use apps. Sure, there’s a Twitter app. A Facebook App. Even apps from the New York Times and CNN. But you can’t use them directly, as you […]

  5. Google Celebrates 10 Years Of AdSense: Says Over 2 Million Publishers Earned More Than $7 Billion Last Year Today marks the official 10th anniversary of Google’s advertising network for publishers, AdSense. In a post on the Google blog, Susan Wojcicki, SVP of Ads and Commerce, reflects on the early days in 2003 when AdSense was a fledgling product to today when AdSense is an integral part of Google’s advertising business. The AdSense community […]

  6. Yahoo: We Take User Privacy Seriously Too! Following missives from Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Apple over the past 72 hours, Yahoo issued its own disclosure statement last night about law-enforcement data requests. Signed by CEO Marissa Mayer and General Counsel Ron Bell, the statement said that there had been “between 12,000 and 13,000″ data requests during the past six months: We’ve worked hard […]

  7. Is Google’s Universal Analytics A Game Changer? Google’s Universal Analytics is now available to the public, and some have speculated that it will change the way businesses use data. But, is Universal Analytics (UA) truly a game changer? Many of the benefits promised by UA hinge on two new wrinkles in the platform: 1) the ability to get data into UA from […]

  8. Forget About Mobile Cannibalization: Its Rise Bodes Well For All The media business has grown to a certain level of maturity. The ecosystem affords brands, marketers and agencies a vast tableau of options, along with tools to plan, operate and optimize across channels, platforms and screens. Yet, as an integrated digital marketer, I’m always surprised how much we tend to sweat the mix, scrutinize the […]

  9. 3 Keys That Open The Door To Massive Social Sharing Of Your Content Content is the foundation of smart online marketing, but social media sharing of that content is the catalyst to success. It’s the publicity engine that helps you build your audience and attract the links that get you ranked well in search engines. So, how do you make that happen? Ever heard of Upworthy? It’s a […]

  10. Facebook Updates Page Post Link Ads In An Effort To Produce Better Conversion Rates For Advertisers Facebook announced three updates to their Page post link ads today. With the new updates, advertisers can customize images, create unpublished Page post links ads directly in the ad create flow, as well as have more options when posting an ad with an off-site link destination. Advertisers can now customize images by uploading their preferred […]

  11. Publicis Groupe’s VivaKi Signs Deal With Mass Relevance For Branded Social Media Curation A new partnership with VivaKi, ad tech solutions and partnerships specialty unit of Publicis, and social curation platform Mass Relevance gives all of Publicis Groupe access to the platform and product suite. The platform is designed to help brands support their advertising campaigns through social media engagement “hubs”, in real-time across all devices. Mass Relevance aggregates […]

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