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Marketing Day: June 13, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Report: Google Grabs 52 Percent Of Mobile Ad Dollars Globally A new set of digital advertising revenue estimates from eMarketer argue that Google captured 52 percent of global mobile ad revenue in 2012. According to the report, Google “earned more than half of the $8.8 billion advertisers worldwide spent on mobile internet ads last year.” Overall, Google earned “nearly one-third of all digital ad dollars […]

  2. Twitter, Vizify Launch #FollowMe Video Profile Creator Twitter users have a new tool at their disposal to help build their followers. Twitter and Vizify have partnered on a #FollowMe video creation tool that collects a user’s Twitter profile activity and turns it into a video that runs about 30 seconds or so. The video profiles include your most popular tweets, photos and […]

  3. UK Government Report: Google’s Tax Position “Deeply Unconvincing” The Guardian reported yesterday that a UK Parliamentary Committee found, essentially, Google had improperly avoided paying taxes in the UK by routing sales through Ireland where corporate tax rates are considerably lower. It’s unclear precisely what the immediate legal fallout will be; however the UK report recommends a more formal inquiry. Committee chair MP Margaret Hodge […]

  4. Twitter Loses French Appeal To Avoid Disclosing Hate-Speaker Names Twitter has lost an appeal in France to avoid disclosing the identities of people behind anti-Semitic hashtags that appeared and trended last year. Among them were #unjuifmort, which translates “a dead Jew,” and “unbonjuif” (“a good Jew”), which became a source of jokes about The Holocaust and killing Jews. Anti-Semitism is currently on the […]

  5. Twitalytics Arrive: Official Twitter Analytics Released To The Public The dive into user data that all Twitter users have been clamoring for has finally arrived. Found hidden within the Twitter Ads dropdown, the official analytics tools show data on specific Tweets and follower info – no ad spend required. To access official Twitter analytics follow these steps: Head to and log-in. Click on […]

  6. 4 Ways To Grow Your Business With Pinterest There are all sorts of social networking sites that can make your business more successful, but some of them still fly under the radar. Why use Pinterest for business? If you’re in an appropriate vertical, Pinterest has the power to make your business grow larger than you ever dreamed. If you are only using Pinterest […]

  7. Why The New Facebook Hashtags Are #Awkward & #Unnecessary Today to the delight of many marketers Facebook announced the release of hashtags. The new clickable links will pop open a new stream with public updates around each specific term. While hashtags seem like a great idea, there are quite a few obstacles in the way of #success for this new feature. Why Not Search? […]

  8. MySpace Launches New iOS App That Puts Music & Connections First Earlier this year, the revamped MySpace launched on the heels of a Justin Timberlake single. Today MySpace has launched a new iOS app that puts a focus on connections & music. Like the newest rebrand the design of the app is stunning. From vivid images, to tiled galleries and card based profiles, the look is solid. […]

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