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Marketing Day: June 11, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Google Asks US Government For Permission To Report FISA Data Requests Google has asked the U.S. government for permission to include data requests made under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in its Google Transparency Report. During the whirlwind of news about the PRISM/NSA scandal, news circulated that Google was not including those FISA requests in its transparency reports. In today’s letter to the US Attorney […]

  2. All In +One: Google+ Dashboard Compiles Important Business Data Into A Unified Location Businesses that use Google+ and other Google products have been given the gift of simplicity in the form of a brand new Google+ Dashboard. Companies that leverage Google services like AdWords, Offers, Maps, Local, YouTube and more will now be able to see relevant stats in one Google+ based location. The Google+ Dashboard includes: Update-able […]

  3. Unboxing Google Engage I’ve got big plans for my agency. Apparently, so does Google. While the agency world’s demise has been the subject of quite a bit of opinion over the years, it seems Google is embracing the fact that advertisers often hire professional services firms to help them — at least for now. Agency “certification” programs are […]

  4. Despite Recent Financing, Foursquare Confronts Growing Challenges Business Insider ran a story yesterday about Foursquare that claimed morale was down (“at an all time low”) and that employees were starting to leave. Foursquare has about 50 million users globally and just secured $41 million in new debt-based financing. Thus, the company appears to be in a strong position. Yet numerous sources, including the Wall Street Journal, […]

  5. Google AdSense Expands Serving Smaller Ads In Larger Ad Units Google is expanding its practice of serving a similar-sized display ad in a larger ad format in order to increase competition for AdSense ad space. Google now allows the 336×280 ad unit to serve 300×250 ads. When the smaller ads are served they float in the center of the ad format as shown in the example […]

  6. Google Glass Diary: Glass Goes To A Rock Concert I had really low expectations. I was taking Google Glass to its first rock concert, and I was going to shoot some photos and videos with it. I knew the photos would be fine, but I expected the videos to be a disaster. Actually, I was worried about the audio more than anything. Here’s why: […]

  7. Where Does The Content Budget Come From? Unless you work for a very unusual, or highly progressive, organization, it’s unlikely there’s a formal content division within the enterprise. The much-ballyhooed but rarely seen in the wild Chief Content Officer really doesn’t exist. Or when the odd one is spotted, the species is too rare and dispersed to reproduce, at least for now. […]

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