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Marketing Day: July 5, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. This Week On Vine: Brands Celebrate The 4th Of July, FLOTUS On Vine, #HDHacks & More Vine was all about fireworks and BBQs this week in celebration of American Independence Day on the 4th of July. Lowes kicked it off with a hardware fireworks display by one of our favourite Vine-a-mators Meagan Cignoli. Happy 4th of July! #Vine #loop — Lowe’s (@Lowes) July 3, 2013 VH1 celebrated the day more […]

  2. Study: LinkedIn Positioned To Be Professional Content Marketing Leader, Testing Monetization LinkedIn’s focus on content has been in overdrive recently. A new in-depth study by faberNovel, titled LinkedIn, the Serious Network, looks at LinkedIn’s ten year trajectory from an online resume repository to a powerhouse hub for professional recruitment, lead generation, sales solutions, marketing tools and, yes, a full-fledged B2B content engine. It is now testing […]

  3. Latent Consequences Of Conversion Rate Optimization I took a call the other day from a prospect struggling to meet their goal CPA in paid search. Their problem was logically simple: CPA is 3x over what it needs to be. After discussing account strategy, structure, and so on, the prospect said, “Well you could just triple my conversion rate and then we’ll […]

  4. Twitter Users Now Get List Of Auto-Complete Hashtag Suggestions On The Web While Twitter‘s Android and iOS apps already have an auto-complete function for trending hashtags, the social media site has brought the feature to the web, making it possible for users to find popular content more quickly, and, according to a report on, to help, “…funnel the discussion around hot button topics in a more […]

  5. UK’s ICO Watchdog Tells Google To Update Privacy Policy By September 20th Or Else The NextWeb reports Google is on the hot seat again over its simplified privacy policy that went into effect March 1, 2012. The Information Commissioner’s Office in the UK has set a deadline of September 20, 2013 for Google to amend the policy to make it easier for consumers to understand how Google will use […]

  6. Twitter Relaxes Display Requirements For Developers, While Prohibiting Automated Following Twitter has released a number of new developer updates meant to “better clarify” guidelines for using Twitter’s API and other platform tools. Among the new updates, Twitter has relaxed its display requirements, while prohibiting automated following and bulk following tools. According to the announcement, developers must now disclose their privacy policies to users who are […]

  7. How Advertisers Can Combat Mobile Fragmentation Fragmentation has been a hot-button issue in tech circles for a while. As newer Android and iOS versions are released, they leave behind a trail of users with older operating systems who cannot or do not upgrade for various reasons. The problem of fragmentation is most prevalent with Android because each device manufacturer and/or carrier […]

  8. 3 Advanced Tips For Bid Adjustments In Google Enhanced Campaigns Google’s introduction of Enhanced Campaigns is one of the most significant structural modifications to occur in the history of paid search. With the end of migration scheduled for July 22, marketers are scrambling to figure out “what works” on the new campaign format. A key point of change in Enhanced Campaigns is the expanded use […]

  9. The Google Glass Privacy Debate: What’s Real & What’s Overblown Hype To hear some people tell it, Google Glass is leading us down a path toward a world where every citizen is a walking, hidden spy, surreptitiously recording videos and photos of everything — and everyone — we see. What’s more, they’re afraid that those videos and images are being posted on the Internet for all […]

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