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Marketing Day: July 30, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Up Close With Google Views, 360º Photo Spheres Plotted On Google Maps Last year, Android gained “Photo Sphere” functionality, the ability for people to take 360 degree photos. It’s very cool, something I’ve used plenty. Now Google’s making it easier to find and share this type of photography with a new Google Views site. Google Views, which Google announced today, allows people to browse through a collection […]

  2. Report: Facebook Preps “Addressable TV” For $2.5 Million A Day The broadcast and cable TV industries have long dreamed of so-called “addressable TV.” That is: TV ads that can be customized or more precisely targeted on the basis of demographics or location. Not counting something like YouTube, there were and have been multiple initiatives to accomplish this over the years. None have really succeeded — […]

  3. Study: New Page Speed Metric Shows Retail Websites Are Moving In The Wrong Direction In March of this year, application delivery and security provider Radware reported that the median load time for the top US retail websites was 7.25 seconds, more than four seconds over the optimal three-second load time. Radware’s latest study reveals that the median load time for the same group of websites was even slower in […]

  4. Daily Show Slams LinkedIn: “You Seem To Have Monetized Irritating People!” The Daily Show has aimed its comedic barbs at some of the biggest tech/marketing players over the years (like Google, Google+, Facebook, Instagram and Google Glass), and last night LinkedIn had its turn in the unflattering-but-funny spotlight. John Oliver, who’s subbing in as host for Jon Stewart, went on a rant about getting too many […]

  5. In-Depth Workshops at SMX Social Media Marketing – Best Rates Available Now Attend a comprehensive workshop conducted by leading experts in internet marketing on November 19, immediately preceding SMX Social Media Marketing November 20-21 in Las Vegas. SMX Social Media Marketing registration is open and super early bird rates are now available. Check out the topic sneak peek, with sessions on paid, earned and owned social media. […]

  6. Android Tablet Shipments Soar, Usage Hasn’t Shown Up Yet Strategy Analytics came out with Q2 shipment estimates for tablets — which are supposed to exceed PC sales by the end of this year on a global basis. It’s now a critical market segment. The data show Android tablets with a solid “shipments share” lead over the iPad. What the numbers appear to reflect is […]

  7. Statistical Tricks You Need That Prove You Should Read This Column Every Month The folks at Search Engine Land spend a lot of time trying to divine the Google search algorithm from Matt Cutts’ words like reading tea leaves in the bottom of a cup. All the while, several of my brilliant colleagues and I from the Search & Conversion column have been talking about what to do […]

  8. Yelp More Likely To Filter Extreme Reviews & New Accounts [Study] Yelp keeps the details of its review filter algorithm secret, for obvious reasons, but a new study suggests that there are some things about the review and the reviewer that are more likely to trigger the filter. Michael Luca and Georgios Zervas recently published a working paper, Fake it Till You Make it: Reputation, Competition, […]

  9. Paid Search Can’t Scale Without Help Whether you’re a brand or an agency, arguably the best place to be is to not know where to spend your next marketing dollar. It’s the point of scale, and all brands hit it — from the small start-ups to the massive retailers of the world. It’s amazingly great because it means you have covered […]

Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:

Online Marketing News From Around The Web:

Blogs & Blogging

Business Issues

  1. Just Fab Sues Fab Over Trademark Infringement, Unfair Competition And More. Fab Says It Will “Aggressively Defend Our Brand”, TechCrunch

  2. Twitter’s Sunnyvale Office Is Open And Hiring, TechCrunch

  3. Yahoo’s SVP of Central Technology David Dibble steps down, will continue to advise Marissa Mayer, The Next Web

  4. Bitly Hires Former AOL And Outside.In Exec Mark Josephson As Its New CEO, TechCrunch

  5. lays off 100 Berlin employees, tightens focus on NYC HQ, VentureBeat

  6. Facebook Announces New Mobile Game Publishing Effort, TechCrunch

  7. Facebook CTO Michael Schroepfer offloads 270K shares, Inside Facebook

  8. Facebook skyrockets back to within cents of IPO price, CNET

  9. Feds will declassify Yahoo PRISM decision by September, GigaOM

  10. Rakuten LinkShare Performance Marketing Network Reports Double Digit Growth in Second Quarter,

  11. Raises $2.6M, Names Vice President of Monetization, Social Times

  12. Scope of Upcoming Apple, Google Patent Trial Now Less Ridiculous, All Things D

  13. Twitter hiring for possibility of IPO,

  14. Why Google Glass Isn’t the Segway, Mashable

Content Marketing

Conversion Optimization

Copywriting, Design & Usability



Email Marketing

Internet Marketing Industry

Mobile/Local Marketing

Other Items

  1. Google certificates upgrade in progress,

Social Media

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