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Marketing Day: July 26, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Buried in a post about greater, coming personalization on Pinterest is a statement that says if consumers don’t want the tracking they can opt-out. The company supports Do-Not-Track (DNT): We’re excited to give everyone a more personalized experience, but we also understand if you’re not interested! We support Do Not Track, and you can change […]

Just when it seemed like the Android market was becoming entirely synonymous with Samsung, smaller vendors appear to be gaining traction. That’s according to new hardware figures from IDC. Samsung remained the world’s dominant phone maker (Nokia is number two, but not in the smartphone top 5). The Korean company shipped more than 72 million […]

Google’s mandatory rollout of AdWords Enhanced Campaigns began this week as a trickle rather than the bang many had expected. After warning AdWords advertisers for months that the deadline for transitioning campaigns to enhanced was July 22, 2013, Google announced that day that the migration would, like most product launches, take several weeks. This also […]

Introduced just this Wednesday, Google’s streaming media dongle Chromecast is an immediate hit. The device has sold out on Amazon and BestBuy. There’s a two to three week shipping wait time in the Google Play store. In addition an introductory Netflix promotion proved so popular it has been stopped. Amazingly, there are already 100 reviews […]

A recent Harris Poll proved Apple remains a favorite brand among consumers, earning Brand of the Year for the computer, tablet and mobile phone categories. Conducted online, the poll surveyed 38,815 US consumers age 15-years and older on over 1,500 lifestyle, product and service brands across more than 155 categories. The intent of the study […]

Want to stream content from the Internet to your TV? There’s a new player in town, Google’s Chromecast. It’s super easy to use and priced to move. What’s not to like? If you’re happy with just Netflix, you’re good. If you want Hulu or HBO Go, paying a bit more for Roku or Apple TV […]

I see it online quite often — someone publishes new content on their blog and then rushes over to their Facebook Fan Page to share the link. The thinking is, “I have 10,000 ‘Likes,’ so here come 10,000 people to my blog post!” Uh, not so fast — it does not work that way. […]

If you’re a small business that relies on foot traffic, referrals, and/or calls from a specific geographic area, Google Analytics has likely been a bit of a mystery to you (unless you’re a power user). Your website might be getting traffic, but how much of that traffic is really local to your area? There are […]

One thing is certain, images are crucial in social medial success — especially with Facebook. Thanks to new changes, having the proper image display alongside your linked content has never been easier to control. Link images have been consuming more real estate in News Feed and large, vivid images not only help engagement, but also […]

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