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Marketing Day: July 24, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Facebook announced Q2 2013 revenues this afternoon. It beat analysts’ consensus expectations with $1.81 billion in total revenue. Ad revenue was 88 percent or $1.60 billion, representing 61 percent growth vs. last year. Facebook surprised especially with a big jump in mobile ad revenue, which climbed to 41 percent of the total (vs. 30 percent last quarter). […]

Analytics firm Simply Measured conducted a study of the Top 100 Interbrands on Facebook and discovered that even though the usage of Facebook hashtags by brands has increased nearly 20 percent between June 12, when hashtags went live on Facebook, through the end of June, hashtags are not resulting in any additional engagement. The study […], the popular car-shopping website, is the latest company to take legal action against fake reviews. The company has issued a news release explaining its lawsuit against Humankind Design, a marketing company based in Friendswood, Texas, for “fraud and breach of the membership agreement.” Edmunds, which says it manually screens every auto dealer review […]

Google TV is dead (and so is the Q); long live Chromecast. Google TV was launched a few years ago to much hype and fanfare. But it was a big, expensive hardware proposition for most consumers, and it failed. It turned out consumers didn’t see the need to replace their TVs, and Google didn’t clearly […]

We’ve got a special request of our Marketing Land visitors and Marketing Day newsletter readers. Take our 2-minute audience survey! Please? If helping us keep the lights on isn’t enough of an incentive, we’ll include a chance to win a ticket to Search Engine Land’s – SMX East in New York City, October 1-3. With […]

We’re waiting here in San Francisco for the Google Chrome/Android/Nexus event to start (see Danny’s live blog). But Best Buy has already put up preorder pages for the new Nexus 7 ahead of this morning’s announcement. The 16GB version is priced at $229. Versions with more memory cost more, up to $269. It’s interesting that […]

There’s a new Nexus 7 in town. Smaller and lighter than before, and also packing Android 4.3. It’s joined by Google’s latest TV effort, the Chromecast. Below, all the news out of Google’s press event today. For our more formal coverage, see: Chromecast: The Rebirth Of Google TV New Google Nexus 7 Goes Live Early […]

Yesterday we reported that Glass developer Chad Smith created a Google Analytics Glass App, and today we are excited to report that the same developer created a Glass App for reporting on your Google AdSense income. Chad announced this on his Google+ page, sharing how to install the app on your Google Glass and sharing […]

Google introduced favicons, the small branding graphics used by website owners, to AdSense text ads today. In the announcement, Google says, “Our experiments show that adding these favicons to the ads makes advertisers more recognizable to your users, which benefits both you and the advertisers whose ads appear on your sites.” The favicons are added […]

Yesterday, there was a bit of a hullabaloo around the fact that a user was shown a “Get Notifications” prompt after a page was liked. The text stated “Don’t miss updates from PageName” and had a button that allows users to get all notifications. While it appeared that the prompt may be a new feature […]

As Facebook’s News Feed has evolved, personalization and customization have been paramount. A new feature will be coming to Facebook that will allow users to state why they chose to hide a specific post, giving more context to the action, helping Facebook understand why the photo/post/link was hidden. According to ABC News, this feature will […]

On many evenings, walking down the street in uptown Kingston, NY, you’ll feel the sidewalk vibrating to the beats of music emerging from the BSP Lounge, a popular venue for independent contemporary music. If you happen to stop in on an evening when the audience turnout is thinner than hoped, you’ll find BSP’s marketing chief, […]

Icebergs are deceptive. Their icy peaks jut out of frigid waters, revealing only a fraction of their volume. What appears to be a small, confined piece of floating ice that can easily be navigated around might very well turn out to be a massive barrier below the surface. Perils Of Segment-Based RTB Segment-based, real-time bidding […]

You want to keep your emails fresh. Follow the latest trends. Stand out in the inbox. Freshening up your email campaign gives you the opportunity to try out new things — maybe a new call-to-action will increase conversions, or a new sidebar will bring more clicks to your website. A new look can also relieve […]

Video technology company Unruly’s newly released Q2 2013 Social Video Report reveals online video ad shares grew seven percent during the second quarter, even after a strong Q1 boosted by Super Bowl ads. Examining video ad shares for the entertainment, FMCG/CPG, technology, retail, auto and finance industries, Unruly found that the entertainment industry experienced the […]

Hey @Neil_Gottlieb, @WilliamMazeo, @subhash_tewari – so sorry about the confusion earlier today. We’re fixing the problem now. — Twitter Advertising (@TwitterAds) July 23, 2013 That’s the apology that Twitter sent out yesterday to three users whose accounts were used without their knowledge in Twitter’s blog post about its TV ad targeting product. As […]

An annual report from University of Massachusetts Dartmouth evaluating the social media activity of Fortune Magazine’s Fortune 500 list found that 34 percent of this year’s Fortune 500 companies are now actively blogging, 77 percent maintain active Twitter accounts, 70 percent have Facebook pages and 69 percent have YouTube accounts. This year marks the largest […]

Apple today announced Q3 fiscal results. Revenues were $35.3 billion vs. $35 billion a year ago (up 1 percent). That was somewhat better than analysts expected. Profit was $6.9 billion vs. $8.8 billion a year ago. Non-US sales contributed 57 percent of revenue. Here are the device and related sales numbers: 31.2 million iPhones (vs. […]

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