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Marketing Day: July 23, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Today Foursquare announced the launch of self-serve promoted listings for small businesses. The company started testing promoted listings with a handful of local New York City businesses in early June. The new ads don’t rely on user check-ins. Local businesses can promote their listings and offer specials to nearby users. Foursquare says they have been fine tuning their targeting […]

Via the ZAGG blog comes news of a new Google Analytics app for Google Glass. Developer Chad Smith posted about it this morning on Google+, and shared some screenshots that show the functionality. It looks like the app includes at least basic data like Visits and Page Views with different timeline cards for Today, Yesterday, […]

Today, Twitter announced the general availability of TV Ad Targeting, which launched in beta this May. The program allows national television advertisers in the U.S. to target Promoted Tweets to users who tweeted about the TV shows their ads ran against. The beta appears to have been a quick success. Through the company’s partnership with […]

According to ad network Chitika, US and Canadian iPad traffic has reached a new high relative to other tablets in the market. Later today, Apple will release its quarterly earnings amid dampened expectations. According to the study, which was conducted in June and based on “tens of millions of US and Canadian tablet online ad […]

LinkedIn announced today that Sponsored Updates are rolling out to companies with a LinkedIn account representative. By the end of the month administrators of all 3 million Company Pages will have access to LinkedIn Sponsored Updates. Billed as “content marketing in the world’s only professional feed,” Sponsored Updates allow companies to pay to promote their […]

There’s a great expression sometimes used in business: “A camel is a horse designed by committee.” I don’t have anything against camels, of course, but I do agree with the underlying sentiment: well-intentioned content and advertising campaigns can go awry when the companies executing them have lost sight of their original purpose. A recent interview […]

LinkedIn Company Pages have seen quite a surge in popularity since inception, but have been lacking significant functionality for brands. One of the biggest negatives is being abolished today as LinkedIn Page Admins will now be able to comment & like appearing as their brand. This new option will allow Page admins to interact in […]

Starting with its flagship product SmartShelves, Smart Furniture has led the luxury furniture market with its pioneer Design on Demand model. By leveraging manufacturers with advanced design capabilities, Smart Furniture allows customers to build and order customized furniture online, without the usual wait that comes with customized furniture purchases. “We wanted to provide an easy […]

As the world buzzed with anticipation of whether the baby born to Prince William and Duchess Kate would be a boy or a girl, the social media teams for many brands were at-the-ready, just waiting for the announcement to push out their own Royal Baby tweets to the masses glued to the Twitter. According to Twitter […]

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  1. Samsung unlikely to pull away from Google at October developer event, The Verge

  2. Who Will Apple Maps Buy Next?,

  3. Could Biz Stone’s ad-free idea for Facebook work? The ‘freemium’ horse has already bolted according to Mark Holden, head of futures at Arena,

  4. eBay expands its eBay Now same-day delivery service, Internet Retailer

  5. Google Reader Died Because No One Would Run It, Buzzfeed

  6. Google’s Ultimate Goal: A Chip Inside Your Brain,

  7. Meet the Newest Members of Yelp’s Small Business Advisory Council!, Yelp Official Blog

  8. Move fast, break things: The sad story of Platform, Facebook’s gigantic missed opportunity, Pando Daily

  9. NYT Reporter’s Upcoming Twitter Book Hints at a Tale of Intrigue, All Things D

  10. Yahoo, Alibaba And Why Mayer Can Keep Buying Whatever She Wants, TechCrunch

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