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Marketing Day: July 2, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Toss All The Text You’d Like On Facebook Covers, The 20% Rule Has Been Lifted A longstanding anti-text-heavy term has been lifted from the Facebook Page terms. Dubbed the 20% rule, Pages were forbidden from using more than 20% text across their Facebook Page covers. This was one of the only changes that were maintained in the large Page cover shifts that occurred this March. New Page Terms of Service were […]

  2. Enterprise PPC Campaign Management Tools 2013: A Marketer’s Guide Anyone managing a large-scale paid search campaign recognizes the value of tools, whether it’s just using Excel or licensing a more sophisticated PPC campaign management tool.

  3. Study: Email Lands More Customers Than Facebook Or Twitter, But Still Fewer Than Organic Search A new report from marketing software provider Custora found that customer acquisitions gained via email marketing has quadrupled since 2009, with email delivering more customers than Facebook or Twitter. According to the report, email accounted for only .88 percent of online customers acquired in 2009, but that number grew to 6.84 percent by Q2 2013. […]

  4. 5 Steps For Optimizing Your LinkedIn Company Page With 3 million company pages and 225 million members, LinkedIn has grown over the last 10 years to become the place where professionals network and do business online. LinkedIn is truly growing beyond just a search and social media platform. The content marketing explosion has meant that influencers are sharing and engaging via content and not just […]

  5. Yahoo Launches Unified Top Bar Navigation Across Most Properties Yahoo has officially launched its unified top bar across most, if not all, of their priorities. Yahoo began modernizing its look in February, part of Marissa Mayer’s new goals for the company, and included in that was to give Yahoo a more unified top navigation bar across its many properties. Yahoo started widely testing this […]

  6. Is The Art Of Paid Search Marketing Dead? If you are a regular reader of this column, then you know I have a tendency to reminisce about the old days of digital marketing and the early days of our old agency. Maybe I am just getting sentimental in my old age, but I found myself reminiscing once again this past week as I […]

  7. Study: Fake Twitter Follower Market Is Still Thriving Thanks To New Spam Tactics Welcome to this quarter’s report on Fake Social followers. BarracudaLabs dove headfirst into the world of paying for perceived social popularity. Verdict: The fake follower economy is still flourishing and is still the scourge of social media. The study showed that not only is the fake follower economy flourishing, but it is in fact growing. Compared […]

  8. CityGrid Lays Off Most Of Staff, Vows To “Streamline” CityGrid is IAC’s main local property (along with HomeAdvisor, the former ServiceMagic). IAC says CityGrid has 1.5 million local advertisers (most through third-party partners), 15 million local business profiles and more than 350 Web and mobile publisher and ad network partners. The division also houses Urbanspoon, InsiderPages and pay-per-call platform Felix (acquired from Yext). Today, […]

  9. Google Book Scanning Class Action Likely To Disappear It’s probably safe to say that Google’s entire business is built on the legal foundation of Fair Use. Fair Use is a copyright exception that allows certain parties to reproduce a copyrighted work without paying royalties to the owner. And, Fair Use may represent a complete defense for Google in its long-running court battle with […]

  10. Google Tells Congress: We’re Not Changing Our Privacy Policy For Google Glass Google says it has no plans to change its company-wide privacy policy for the eventual public launch of Google Glass. That’s one of the discoveries in a four-page letter dated June 7th that Google sent to Congressman Joe Barton, co-chair of the bipartisan Congressional Privacy Caucus — the group that sent Google a letter back […]

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