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Marketing Day: July 16, 2013

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the Web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. Amazon Raising Minimum Bids On 60 Product Ads Categories Amazon product ads advertisers have received notice that the company is raising minimum bids on 60 out of 174 product categories on August 27, 2013. The bids are typically rising $0.05, with a few categories, such as higher-end Laptops and Large Appliances, going up $0.10. Amazon will automatically raise affected category bids that are below […]

  2. Foursquare Introduces In-Venue “Check-in” Ads On CPA Basis According to an article in AdAge, Foursquare is now rolling out check-in ads on a cost-per-action basis. I was unable to find my own example on Foursquare, though I thought this program was already live. Captain Morgan is apparently an early adopter of the program. The idea is simple: people go into a bar and […]

  3. Google Analytics Updates Segmentation To Simplify & Make More Powerful Google announced changes being rolled out to how Google Analytics handles their segmentation features. Google has improved their advanced segmentation to enable users to analyze subsets of your Web traffic. Google said these changes will make it “easier for new Analytics users, yet also more powerful for seasoned analysts and marketers.” The updates include: User […]

  4. Mayer Doing Terrific Job At Yahoo But Skeptics Remain The reviews of Marissa Mayer’s first year at Yahoo are generally mixed. Most pundits, financial analysts and observers praise her for injecting new energy into Yahoo, focusing on mobile and bringing on new talent, mostly by way of “acqu-hires.” However there are others who say for all the good she’s done she has yet to […]

  5. Google Play Store Website Gets Redesign With Bigger Thumbnails & More White Space The Web version of the Google Play Store has been redesigned to mimic the Google Play Store mobile app with larger thumbnails and more white space. With less content on the screen, users must scroll more to access additional content. reports the Google Play site now uses AJAX and leverages the modern Roboto font, […]

  6. Union Metrics Adds New Features To Tumblr Analytics Tool & Offers First Time Ever Free Accounts Originally released in November 2012, the Union Metrics Tumblr analytics tool has been updated with two new features. Starting today, users can track their blog followers, as well as integrate their Tumblr data into Google Analytics. According to the announcement, the new features, “…complement existing detailed interaction and influencer analytics coupled with competitor blog and […]

  7. Native Advertising, WTH? The concept of “Native Advertising” is getting a lot of attention these days. In some circles, it’s been suggested that it may even “save newspapers.” I blame BuzzFeed for doing such a great job of letting the cat out of the bag. As is so often the case, stick around a while and you’ll learn […]

  8. How To Organize Resources To Unlock The True Power Of Distributed Data Over the past couple years, it’s become clear that ad marketing and media folks are more readily identifying themselves as data-driven marketers. We are ready to embrace that data is utterly integral to what we do — and we must conduct our work accordingly. But this professed focus on data has real implications for a […]

  9. This Week On Vine: The Bieber Effect, Celebrating Wimbledon & Celebrity Crossovers We’ve been keeping a secret. The fact is, each week the most popular Vines by a wide margin are coming from athletes, pop stars and brands with tie-ins to those folks. Singing celebrities like Little Mix or Harry Styles can do anything or nearly nothing at all and still have their Vine’s share count reach […]

  10. Kuhcoon Launches A Social Media Dashboard With Data-Driven Tips On What To Post & When Social media agency Kuhcoon announced today that the company is launching a social media education and management software product, designed to help business owners and marketers manage their social media accounts from a single dashboard. Kuhcoon has handled social media accounts for brands worldwide since its start in 2011. This is their first product launch. […]

  11. Yahoo Opens Wishlist For Inactive Usernames, Hopes To Avoid Identity Cataclysm If you have an inactive Yahoo username/email address, it could end up in someone else’s hands about a month from now. And that could create all kinds of havoc if the new owner of your old username decides to use it to try to recover old online passwords of yours that might still be associated […]

Recent Headlines From Search Engine Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Search News & Information:

Online Marketing News From Around The Web:

Affiliate Marketing


Blogs & Blogging

Business Issues

  1. Gowalla Co-founder Josh Williams to Depart Facebook, All Things D

  2. Yahoo wins court order to release records of its fight against PRISM,

  3. Foursquare and Mastercard partner to help fight cancer, About Foursquare

  4. Yahoo’s Fight for its Users in Secret Court Earns the Company Special Recognition in Who Has Your Back Survey,

  5. Google and Microsoft Fight in Court, Friends in Congress, BusinessWeek

  6. Instagram Lead Designer Tim Van Damme Headed to Dropbox, All Things D

  7. Report: Apple mulling $280M purchase of PrimeSense, the Israeli 3D body sensor firm behind Microsoft Kinect,

  8. VCs invest $226 million in mobile app developers since beginning of 2013,

  9. Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer Hits One-Year Mark, Wall Street Journal

  10. Tom Arrix, Facebook’s Top U.S. Salesman, Leaves, All Things D

  11. A Year of Mayer: An Ever-Rising Stock, but Core Results Remain Mixed, All Things D

  12. GoDaddy triples space in Sunnyvale, now over 80 employees in Silicon Valley, Domain Name Wire

  13. Google Pitches Online TV Service to Media Companies, Wall Street Journal

  14. Judge tosses Instagram lawsuit over terms of service,

  15. Mayer Pleases Yahoo’s Investors More Than Advertisers, Bloomberg

  16. News Flash For Marissa Mayer: Yahoo’s Brand Is Still Dying, ReadWrite

  17. Responding to government legal demands for customer data,

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