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Marketing Day: July 13, 2012

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

Since the botched IPO, Facebook has been working feverishly on creating enhanced ad offerings. According to Clickz, the most traditional form of Facebook ads will be adding rotation to the mix. Currently ads are static on a page and aren’t swapped out until the user hits a different page. This makes quite a bit of […]

This week in marketing felt a bit like a lesson in evolutionary biology. Things are changing fast. The lion is chasing down the ailing antelope on the digital plain. The big are swallowing up the small. Digital creatures flash their bright colors to ward off predators. And everyone wants to be close to the Internet […]

A few weeks ago, Google’s CEO Larry Page lost his voice and had to take off from public speaking appearances and many internal Google meetings. Reuters is reporting that Larry Page is slowly making his return back to Google after his mysterious voice issue is healing. Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt told Reuters Larry Page is […]

It’s hard to ignore all the talk about the potential of mobile commerce given the positive forecasts from industry analysts and researchers. Consider these compelling statistics: There will be 115.8 million smartphone users in the US by the end of 2012, and that number is expected to reach 176.3 million by 2015. (via eMarketer) 64 percent […]

Nevermind kicking kids off the lawn; some brands want (and need) to keep kids off their Twitter follower lists. That’s now possible thanks to a partnership between Twitter and Buddy Media that gives anyone — not just brands — with a Twitter account the ability to screen the age of their followers. To make it […]

It feels like MySpace all over again. Seems like just yesterday Google was about to buy the hot-shot Digg for a reported $200 million dollars. But nay, today the NY-based tech firm Betaworks is purchasing the fallen giant for a meager $500,000. [UPDATE: Techcrunch is reporting that other portions of Digg have been disassembled and sold […]

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  1. 3 Simple Yet Little-Known Ways to Get More Repins,

  2. Are You Generating Leads With Your LinkedIn Business Page?,

  3. Businesses See Success With Facebook Promoted Posts,

  4. CEOs Afraid Of Going Social Are Doing Shareholders A Massive Disservice, Forbes

  5. Does Facebook’s Edgerank Apply to Your Domain as a Whole?,

  6. Facebook Revamps Help Drop-Down Menu, Help Center,

  7. Grow Your Company Or Be Active On Social Media?,

  8. Having a Facebook or Twitter Account Shouldn’t Mean Mandatory California Vacations if You Get Sued, Eric Goldman

  9. Introducing Twitter for Nokia, Official Twitter Blog

  10. Making business sense of social media,

  11. Some Facebook Pages Can Add Location To Posts,

  12. [Infographic] Social Media Marketing Is Not Just About 1 Metric!,

  13. Is Facebook damaging your reputation with sneaky political posts?,

  14. Marketers Up the Ante on Social Media Sponsorships,

  15. Quantity of Quality: Thoughts on Optimum Number of Tweets per Day,

  16. Social TV: 350 Million Interactions So Far This Year, Ad Age

  17. Three years of Twitition [infographic],

  18. Undaunted by Digg, Fark Plans Redesign — Maybe, Mashable

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